There are 2 different semantic versions of Kubernetes components running

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Openshift (OCP) 4.x


  • After upgrade from 4.1.21 to 4.2.2 the following warning appeared: There are 2 different semantic versions of Kubernetes components running


  • If the nodes are not wired into a machine config pool they will not get the lifecycle from MCO.

Root Cause

  • Kubelet from infra nodes have a different version than other nodes:
# oc get nodes
NAME                          STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
infra-0.test.local    Ready    infra    57d   v1.13.4+244797462
infra-1.test.local    Ready    infra    57d   v1.13.4+244797462
master-0.test.local   Ready    master   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
master-1.test.local   Ready    master   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
master-2.test.local   Ready    master   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
worker-0.test.local   Ready    worker   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
worker-1.test.local   Ready    worker   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9

Diagnostic Steps

# oc get mcp
NAME     CONFIG                                             UPDATED   UPDATING   DEGRADED
master   rendered-master-3034b81bce5f314b900447e5020d47df   True      False      False
worker   rendered-worker-7f619a2e1dedeeb7e612079de78fe100   True      False      False
$ oc get mcp
NAME     CONFIG                                             UPDATED   UPDATING   DEGRADED
infra    rendered-infra-6f2df91bf67422d2da3e065d8e9cb9ee    True      False      False
master   rendered-master-fa6075416195210ba83540f2867ef7ed   True      False      False
worker   rendered-worker-102009de7f2fcb18e7b6e72147fd24bf   True      False      False

NAME                          STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
infra-0.test.local    Ready    infra    57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
infra-1.test.local    Ready    infra    57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
master-0.test.local   Ready    master   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
master-1.test.local   Ready    master   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
master-2.test.local   Ready    master   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
worker-0.test.local   Ready    worker   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9
worker-1.test.local   Ready    worker   57d   v1.14.6+c7d2111b9

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