Refresh button on dynamic Text Area Box breaks service provisioning dialog element

Solution Unverified - Updated -


Red Hat CloudForms 4.7/CFME 5.10.x

Affected CFME Version-Release numbers: CFME 5.10.3 and CFME 5.10.4


When clicking the refresh button on a dynamic dialog, the value appears to load fine in the UI, however the value is never accepted, and is showing as nil in the dialog_parser method:

  • Below, there are 2 dynamic dialogs, both with the exact same setup and automate method populating the values. "dialog_dummy_text_box_1" was refreshed, and shows the value nil, while "dialog_dummy_text_box_2" was not refreshed, and shows the "No worries Mate!" value. Note, these 2 dialogs have "Load on Init" enabled.
[----] I, [2019-06-06T10:36:37.149619 #20839:d1f128]  INFO -- : Q-task_id([r1000000000010_service_template_provision_task_1000000000010])  dialog_options: {"dialog_dummy_text_box_1"=>nil, "dialog_dummy_text_box_2"=>"No worries Mate!", "request"=>"clone_to_service", :service_action=>"Provision", "Service::Service"=>1000000000010}
  • When trying it with "Load on Init" disabled, we still see the refresh is sending a nil value for "dialog_dummy_text_box_1" as shown below:
[----] I, [2019-06-06T10:39:53.889073 #20847:640ea9c]  INFO -- : Q-task_id([r1000000000011_service_template_provision_task_1000000000011])  dialog_options: {"dialog_dummy_text_box_1"=>nil, "dialog_dummy_text_box_2"=>"", "request"=>"clone_to_service", :service_action=>"Provision", "Service::Service"=>1000000000011}


Updating/Upgrading your CFME appliances to 5.10.5 should resolve this issue.

Root Cause

This is caused as a result of a bug Bug 1717971

Diagnostic Steps

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a Automation method to populate the the dynamic Text Area Box dialog field:
$evm.log(:info, "dialog_dummy1 is #{$evm.object['dialog_dummy1']}")
$evm.log(:info, "dialog_dummy2 is #{$evm.object['dialog_dummy2']}")
$evm.log(:info, "dialog_dummy3 is #{$evm.object['dialog_dummy3']}")
list_values = {
     'required'   => true,
     'value'     => "No worries Mate!"
list_values.each { |key, value| $evm.object[key] = value }
exit MIQ_OK
  • Create a service provisioning dialog with a dynamic Text Area Box (here we created three called dummy1, dummy2, and dummy3) linked to the method.
  • Create a generic service catalog item using the default entry point and configure to use the dialog created above.
  • Use of the dialog and the refresh button causes submission to fail because the parameter gets destroyed or set to nil or something, and is not submitted with the request.
  • Push refresh on the first element, then submit: the request fails with the error, because only dialog variables dummy2 and dummy3 are being passed in the body, and all three are configured to be required:
[----] I, [2019-05-31T15:24:06.173426 #7633:3c4a9c0]  INFO -- : MIQ(Api::ServiceCatalogsController.log_request) Parameters:     {"action"=>"update", "controller"=>"api/service_catalogs", "format"=>"json", "body"=>{"dummy2"=>"No worries Mate!", "dummy3"=>"No worries Mate!", "action"=>"order"}}
[----] E, [2019-05-31T15:24:06.276278 #7633:3c4a9c0] ERROR -- : MIQ(Api::ServiceCatalogsController.api_error) API Error
[----] E, [2019-05-31T15:24:06.276503 #7633:3c4a9c0] ERROR -- : MIQ(Api::ServiceCatalogsController.api_error) Api::BadRequestError: Failed to order Service Template id:71 name:'bug' - New tab/New section/Dummy 1 is required
  • If the second refresh button is pushed, the same behavior occurs, and the second parameter, dummy2, is not sent in the submit request.

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