[Satellite 6] How to regenerate a corrupted/deleted bootstrap RPM?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite v 6.2
  • Red Hat Capsule v 6.2


  • Accidentally removed the bootstrap RPM from the satellite/capsule server.
  • Need to recreate a corrupted /var/www/html/pub/katello-ca-consumer-HOSTNAME-x.0-x.noarch.rpm file
  • Bootstrap RPM got overwritten


  • Generate the rhsm-katello-reconfigure script using the below command:
   # sed -n '/^KATELLO_SERVER/,$p' /var/www/html/pub/katello-rhsm-consumer  > /var/www/html/pub/rhsm-katello-reconfigure
  • Generate the katello-ca-consumer RPM manually using the below command
 # /usr/bin/katello-certs-gen-rpm --name katello-ca-consumer-$(hostname -f) --version 1.0 --release 11 --packager None --vendor None --group Applications/System --summary "Subscription-manager consumer certificate for Katello instance $(hostname -f)" --description "Consumer certificate and post installation script that configures rhsm." --requires subscription-manager --post /var/www/html/pub/rhsm-katello-reconfigure /usr/bin/katello-rhsm-consumer:755=/var/www/html/pub/katello-rhsm-consumer

Note: In the above command release number is set to 11, change it according to the environment. If its trying to replace the old RPM, take a back up of that file in question before executing the above command.

  • Remove the katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm symlink and re-point to the newly generated RPM

Root Cause

  • Bootstrap RPM is created using the rhsm-katello-reconfigure script while the satellite installer is executed.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Verify the installer logs to get the exact command to generate the bootstrap RPM:
[DEBUG 2017-05-05 21:58:49 main]  Executing '/usr/bin/katello-certs-gen-rpm --name katello-ca-consumer-satellite6.example.com--version 1.0 --release 1 --packager None --vendor None --group Applications/System --summary Subscription-manager consumer certificate for Katello instance satellite6.example.com --description Consumer certificate and post installation script that configures rhsm. --requires subscription-manager --post /var/www/html/pub/rhsm-katello-reconfigure /usr/bin/katello-rhsm-consumer:755=/var/www/html/pub/katello-rhsm-consumer'

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