JBoss EAP fails to start and does not give an error message on Windows

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
    • 6
    • 7


  • On Windows, when running standalone/Domain with the JAVA_HOME environment variable set (but pointing to an empty directory), EAP fails to start and does not give an error message.
  • I run standalone.bat per the install doc, however, the script exits and the server doesn't come up. I get no errors.


There is the bug for EAP version 6.4.15
On Windows, when running standalone/Domain with the JAVA_HOME environment variable set (but pointing to an empty directory), JBoss EAP fails to start and does not give an error message.

Diagnostic Steps

External threats may be preventing JBoss EAP instance to run. Look for environment antiviruses that may be impacting. Test disabling it and running EAP start up script.

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