How to find disk-id of disk after resize in RHEV Manager if there are multiple disks with same name?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6


  • From event tab of RHEV Manager it is only possible to find disk name after resize, but if a Virtual Machine has multiple disks with same name then how to find disk-id for resized disk?


  • There would be 2 options:
    • From Events tab note down changed size. Go to Disks tab search for disk with name and look for updated size.
    • If there are multiple disks with same size and name, then go to Events tab, from Advance view grab Correlation Id from disk updated event. From rhevm execute below command, replacing Correlation Id:
$ grep `Correlation Id` /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log | grep "value: DISK" | awk '{print $14}'

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