Jon 3.1 Default JBoss Patch Content Source credentials don't work

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • JBoss Operations Network (JON) 3.1.0


  • After filling the CSP Feed Settings with our credentials in the JBoss Patch Content Source in Jon 3.1, we try the 'Test Connection' button and we get this error:
Test failed - failed to connect to the remote repository for [JBoss CP Patch Feed] - check the configuration and make sure the remote repository is up and reachable. Details: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:null -> org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.content.SyncException:Invalid login credentials specified for user [mswhrh]. Make sure this user has an active account at the CSP and that the password is correct. 
  • But if we try the feed URL from a browser and use our credentials, we can reach the RSS page.


This issue has been reported in Bugzilla 844673: "JON CP test connection not working with valid credentials" and it should be resolved in the following JON 3.1.1. We do not have any set date but currently JON 3.1.1 is expected in September or October 2012.

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