Unable to submit jobs using "bsub' command to the remote systems.

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • LSF Job Scheduling tool by IBM


  • LSF job scheduling IBM tool is being used in environment. Users are submitting the jobs using IBM provided 'bsub' command.
  • This command gives error when the user try to run it in interactive mode (-I option) for submitting jobs,

    $ bssub -I -q <queue_name> -m <remote_system> -R "rusage[nolic_ib=1]" xterm
    Warning - LSF Project variable LSB_DEFAULTPROJECT is not set.
    Job <id> is submitted to the queue <queue_name>.
    <<waiting for dispatch...>>
    <<Starting on <remote_system>>
    Xlib: connection to "<remote_system>:0.0" refused by server
    Xlib: No protocol specified.
    xterm Xt error: Can't open display: <remote_system>:0.0
  • Getting error: AUDIT: CLient rejected form IP in Xorg.0.log file.
  • Ssh X11Forwarding is working fine and users are able to export display. But the job scheduling command is not working. When interactive mode is not used it does not give any error.


  • This is a issue related to the job scheduling utility. The utility is not forwarding the required xauth cookies. Please contact utility vendor(IBM) to troubleshoot the issue.


  • Add below entries in ".cshrc" or ".bashrc" file to merge xauth magic cookies:
#Check whether XAUTHORITY is defined
if ( "$?XAUTHORITY" ) then

                if ( $XAUTHORITY != ~/.Xauthority ) then
                echo $XAUTHORITY
                xauth -f ~/.Xauthority merge $XAUTHORITY
                echo "merged xauthority cookies"
                setenv XAUTHORITY ~/.Xauthority
                echo "loaded xauthority cookies"
                echo $XAUTHORITY

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