I can not create kickstart profiles on my Satellite

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Network Satellite or Proxy 5.4.1


  • Following the directions in the "Getting Started Guide" I logged into my satellite server via the web interface, clicked on "systems" and discovered that there is no "kickstart" tab in the menu on the left of the screen (the only tabs I see are: Overview, Systems, System Groups, System Set Manager, advanced Search, Activation keys and Stored Profiles). At this point I have no way to proceed.


  • In order to create kickstart profiles on your Satellite server you must have Provisioning entitlements.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check your Satellite certificate for provisioning slots. If the number is 0 you need to contact your Salesperson at 1-888-REDHAT-1 and obtain Provisioning entitlements. Your Satellite certificate should have something that looks like the following:
<rhn-cert-field name="provisioning-slots">775</rhn-cert-field>

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