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5.7. Literals passed in from the stap command line

Literals are either strings enclosed in double quotes (” ”) or integers. For information about integers, see Section Section 5.2.2, “Integers”. For information about strings, see Section Section 5.2.3, “Strings”.
Script arguments at the end of a command line are expanded as literals. You can use these in all contexts where literals are accepted. A reference to a nonexistent argument number is an error.

5.7.1. $1 … $<NN> for integers

Use $1 … $<NN> for casting as a numeric literal.

5.7.2. @1 … @<NN> for strings

Use @1 … @<NN> for casting as a string literal.

5.7.3. Examples

For example, if the following script named example.stp
probe begin { printf("%d, %s\n", $1, @2) }
is invoked as follows
# stap example.stp 10 mystring
then 10 is substituted for $1 and "mystring" for @2. The output will be
10, mystring