Migrate OpenShiftSDN to OVN-Kubernetes in ARO Azure Redhat OpenShift

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) 4


  • Is it possible to migrate from OpenShiftSDN plugin type to OVN-Kubernetes in ARO?
  • Changed the the default networking type from OpenShiftSDN to OVN-Kubernetes by following the OpenShift documentation.


In ARO 4.11, OVN-Kubernetes is automatically set as the primary CNI at cluster provisioning.

  • Migrating from the previous SDN standard to OVN is not supported for existing ARO clusters.

Root Cause

OpenShift documentation provides steps to migrate from SDN to OVN, these steps are focused on self-managed OpenShift clusters.

If migrating from SDN to OVN was attempted in a managed ARO, it is not possible to undo the migration, the path forward is to recreate the cluster.

Diagnostic Steps

  • To check whether you are using a network type of OVN-Kubernetes or OpenShiftSDN.

    Note: Example below was taken from an ARO Cluster 4.11.26.

$ oc get clusterversion
version   4.11.26   True        False         8m49s   Cluster version is 4.11.26

$ oc get networks.config/cluster -o jsonpath='{$.spec.networkType}{"\n"}'

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