Cluster admin compatibility issue with multiple ROSA CLI versions

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)


  • For the cluster installation via old ROSA CLI version (eg: 1.1.5), the latest ROSA CLI version (eg: 1.2.6) is not able to delete the users and Identities which were created previously with the old CLI Version.
  • When creating the cluster-admin user for the first time with the ROSA CLI 1.1.5, it created a new cluster-admin user and an identity with the name “Cluster-Admin:cluster-admin”.
  • On the other hand, while creating the same cluster-admin user with ROSA CLI 1.2.6, it created a new cluster-admin user and an identity with the name “htpasswd:cluster-admin”.
  • Due to this issue, the existing identities will not get deleted, and creating the cluster-admin user again is not able to login to the cluster and throws the below error:
Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: unexpected response: 500


  • The issue has been fixed in the recent ROSA CLI release 1.2.6 or later.

Diagnostic Steps

  • oc login command will throw the below error:
Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: unexpected response: 500
  • Check for the identities created via the old CLI version:
    NAME                          IDP NAME        IDP USER NAME   USER NAME      USER UID
==> Cluster-Admin:cluster-admin   Cluster-Admin   cluster-admin   cluster-admin  13642b9d-97b3-4659-80fc-3dccfa688181

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