When creating a snapshot with vSphere CSI driver fails

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4
  • VMware vSphere


  • When creating a snapshot with the vSphere CSI driver operator it fails with error:
    message: >-
      Failed to check and update snapshot content: failed to take snapshot of
      the volume e904b21f-740c-4a5b-84d3-306effb2ab6d: "rpc error: code =
      Unimplemented desc = VC version does not support snapshot operations"
    time: '2022-10-03T14:21:35Z'
  readyToUse: false


The CSI driver is failing because the vCenter version does not support snapshots for CNS volumes.

To get snapshot working through the CSI driver a version upgrade of VMware vSphere is required.

The requirements to use all the features for the CSI Driver Operator can be found in: VMware vSphere CSI Driver Operator requirements

Root Cause

The current VMware vCenter current version does not support snapshot for CNS volumes.

An upgrade is required to use the feature.

Diagnostic Steps

Check error message in the failed volumeSnapshot:

$ oc get volumesnapshot <snapshot-name> -o yaml
    message: >-
      Failed to check and update snapshot content: failed to take snapshot of
      the volume e904b21f-740c-4a5b-84d3-306effb2ab6d: "rpc error: code =
      Unimplemented desc = VC version does not support snapshot operations"
    time: '2022-10-03T14:21:35Z'
  readyToUse: false

If error status shows the message Unimplemented desc = VC version does not support snapshot operations proceed with the Resolution Steps.

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