Disconnected local repo - Status code 403 failed to download metadata
We have a RHEL8 repo in an isolated network. We have several repo's on this server. I just updated the repo with a delta file and ran a createrepo --update on each repository. The repo failing happens to be a set of RPM's for nvidia Cuda drivers. In trying to do a simple dnf list I get the error: Errors downloading metadata for \xxx_rhel-8-cuda' status code: 403 for http://x.x.x.x/xxx_rhel-8-cuda , cannot download repodata/repomd.xml. The repomd.xml file DOES exist and it is populated with data. I tried:
dnf clean all
rm -frv /var/cache/dnf
subscription-manager config --rhsm.manage_repos=0
I don't recall getting this error before the update. Note this is a brand new repository we set up and it's had it's share of issues but I have not seen this error before. Why doesn't the client see the repomd.xml when it is in fact there? Not understanding this. Any logs I can check?