Why Do I Get the User as "None" in the Debug Message "ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: None" When Running a Playbook with the Ansible Engine ansible-playbook Command?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Ansible Engine 2.9


  • Why do I get the user as None in the debug message ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: None when running a playbook with the Ansible Engine ansible-playbook command?


  • You need to specify a remote user in the command line as ansible-playbook -vvvv -u user46 …. The option is similar to --user.

  • You can also use other options to specify the user.

    • define a shell variable in the command line or in the shell like ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER=user46 ansible-playbook -vvvv …
    • define ansible_user variable in your inventory

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