01:39:47.662 - INFO: Installing signal handler 01:39:47.662 - INFO: Handler for signal INT 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal PIPE 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal ABRT 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal FPE 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal QUIT 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal SYS 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal TRAP 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Handler for signal TERM 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Checking process limits 01:39:47.663 - INFO: nproc limit: hard = 256339, soft = 256339 01:39:47.663 - INFO: Setting limit 'nproc' to 'unlimited' 01:39:47.663 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:47.663 - INFO: System Information 01:39:47.663 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.058 - INFO: Operating System: Linux 01:39:48.058 - INFO: Architecture : X86-64 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Version : 4.18.0 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Subversion : 193.el8.x86_64 01:39:48.059 - INFO: C Runtime : GLIBC 2.28 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Cpu features : sse sse2 sse4.1 sse4.2 cmpxchg16b 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Host Name : fdr 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Manufacturer : VMware, Inc. 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Product : VMware7,1 01:39:48.059 - INFO: Distribution : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 01:39:48.060 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.060 - INFO: END: System Info 01:39:48.060 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.060 - INFO: Handler for signal INT 01:39:48.061 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.061 - INFO: Installer Information 01:39:48.061 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Installer is part of installation kit 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Version is 2.5.49 (git hash: cae6bd272792) 01:39:48.062 - INFO: GitHash is cae6bd272792 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Platform is linuxx86_64 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Perl version is v5.30.3 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Running as console application 01:39:48.062 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Program Call Information 01:39:48.062 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Caller program name is hdblcm 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Command line arguments: 01:39:48.062 - INFO: Current directory: /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Installer directory: /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Pid is 24383 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Effective uid 0 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Real uid 0 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Effective gid 0 0 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Real gid 0 0 01:39:48.063 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.063 - INFO: END: Program Call Information 01:39:48.063 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.063 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.063 - INFO: Environment Dump 01:39:48.063 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.063 - INFO: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS = unix:path=/run/user/0/bus 01:39:48.063 - INFO: HISTCONTROL = ignoredups 01:39:48.063 - INFO: HISTSIZE = 1000 01:39:48.063 - INFO: HOME = /root 01:39:48.064 - INFO: HOSTNAME = localhost.localdomain 01:39:48.064 - INFO: LANG = en_US.UTF-8 01:39:48.064 - INFO: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/./instruntime 01:39:48.064 - INFO: LESSOPEN = ||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s 01:39:48.064 - INFO: LOGNAME = root 01:39:48.064 - INFO: LS_COLORS = rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=01;36:*.au=01;36:*.flac=01;36:*.m4a=01;36:*.mid=01;36:*.midi=01;36:*.mka=01;36:*.mp3=01;36:*.mpc=01;36:*.ogg=01;36:*.ra=01;36:*.wav=01;36:*.oga=01;36:*.opus=01;36:*.spx=01;36:*.xspf=01;36: 01:39:48.064 - INFO: MAIL = /var/spool/mail/root 01:39:48.064 - INFO: OLDPWD = /root/cockpit 01:39:48.064 - INFO: PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin 01:39:48.064 - INFO: PWD = /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 01:39:48.064 - INFO: SELINUX_LEVEL_REQUESTED = 01:39:48.064 - INFO: SELINUX_ROLE_REQUESTED = 01:39:48.064 - INFO: SELINUX_USE_CURRENT_RANGE = 01:39:48.065 - INFO: SHELL = /bin/bash 01:39:48.065 - INFO: SHLVL = 1 01:39:48.065 - INFO: SSH_CLIENT = 58831 22 01:39:48.065 - INFO: SSH_CONNECTION = 58831 22 01:39:48.065 - INFO: SSH_TTY = /dev/pts/1 01:39:48.065 - INFO: TERM = xterm 01:39:48.065 - INFO: USER = root 01:39:48.065 - INFO: XDG_DATA_DIRS = /root/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share 01:39:48.065 - INFO: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = /run/user/0 01:39:48.065 - INFO: XDG_SESSION_ID = 6 01:39:48.065 - INFO: _ = ./hdblcm 01:39:48.065 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.065 - INFO: END: Environment Dump 01:39:48.065 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.065 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.065 - INFO: END: Installer Information 01:39:48.065 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:39:48.205 - INFO: SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Cockpit ************************************************************ 01:39:48.205 - INFO: Start Date: 2021-05-13 - hdblcm 01:39:48.205 - INFO: 01:39:48.222 - INFO: Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set 01:39:48.222 - INFO: Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is not set 01:39:51.035 - INFO: Parameter 'add_components_location' (AddComponentsLocation) is set by user, value = 'Yes' 01:39:51.035 - INFO: Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set 01:39:51.035 - INFO: Parameter 'action' (Action) is not set 01:39:51.035 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is not set 01:39:57.788 - INFO: Parameter 'SelectedSystem' is set by user, value = 'install' 01:39:57.895 - INFO: Looking for installer in /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 01:39:57.895 - INFO: Checking directory '/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime' for manifest of 'Resident hdblcm'. 01:39:57.896 - INFO: Product: Resident hdblcm 01:39:57.897 - INFO: Version: 01:39:57.897 - INFO: GitHash: cae6bd272792 01:39:57.915 - INFO: Checking whether the operating system is ready to perform gcc assemblies 01:39:57.946 - INFO: rpm package 'compat-sap-c++-9' 9.1.1 is already installed 01:39:57.974 - INFO: rpm package 'libatomic' 8.3.1 is already installed 01:39:57.975 - INFO: Parameter 'simplified_ui' (UseSimpleUI) is given via configuration file, value = 'Yes' 01:39:57.976 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is given via configuration file, value = 'ssh' 01:39:57.976 - INFO: Parameter 'use_master_password' (UseMasterPassword) is given via configuration file, value = 'Yes' 01:39:57.976 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is given via configuration file, value = 'Yes' 01:39:57.977 - INFO: Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is given via configuration file, value = 'multiple_containers' 01:39:57.977 - INFO: Parameter 'db_isolation' (DbIsolation) is given via configuration file, value = 'low' 01:39:57.977 - INFO: Parameter 'create_initial_tenant' (CreateInitialTenant) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.981 - INFO: Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is given via configuration file, value = 'server,xs,cockpit' 01:39:57.983 - INFO: Parameter 'autoadd_xs_roles' (AutoAddXS2Roles) is given via configuration file, value = 'Yes' 01:39:57.983 - INFO: Parameter 'import_xs_content' (ImportContentXS2) is given via configuration file, value = 'Yes' 01:39:57.984 - INFO: Parameter 'workergroup' (WorkerGroup) is given via configuration file, value = 'default' 01:39:57.984 - INFO: Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is given via configuration file, value = 'custom' 01:39:57.985 - INFO: Parameter 'datapath' (BasePathDataVolumes) is given via configuration file, value = '${sapmnt}/data/${sid}' 01:39:57.985 - INFO: Parameter 'logpath' (BasePathLogVolumes) is given via configuration file, value = '${sapmnt}/log/${sid}' 01:39:57.986 - INFO: Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.986 - INFO: Parameter 'home' (HomeDir) is given via configuration file, value = '/usr/sap/${sid}/home' 01:39:57.987 - INFO: Parameter 'shell' (Shell) is given via configuration file, value = '/bin/bash' 01:39:57.987 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' (NoStart) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.987 - INFO: Parameter 'autostart' (AutoStart) is given via configuration file, value = 'Yes' 01:39:57.988 - INFO: Parameter 'isc_mode' (ISCMode) is given via configuration file, value = 'standard' 01:39:57.989 - INFO: Parameter 'ignore' (Ignore) is given via configuration file, value = 'check_min_mem' 01:39:57.990 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine' (hdbinst_server_EnableXSEngine) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.991 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_import_content' (hdbinst_server_ImportContent) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.992 - INFO: Parameter 'org_name' (OrgName) is given via configuration file, value = 'HANACockpit' 01:39:57.993 - INFO: Parameter 'org_manager_user' (OrgManagerUser) is given via configuration file, value = 'COCKPIT_ADMIN' 01:39:57.993 - INFO: Parameter 'prod_space_name' (ProdSpaceName) is given via configuration file, value = 'cockpit' 01:39:57.993 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_routing_mode' (RoutingMode) is given via configuration file, value = 'ports' 01:39:57.994 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_sap_space_isolation' (XSSAPSpaceIsolation) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.994 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_customer_space_isolation' (XSSpaceIsolation) is given via configuration file, value = 'No' 01:39:57.994 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_components' (SelectedXs2Applications) is given via configuration file, value = 'all' 01:39:57.996 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_hostagent_calls' (SkipHostagentCalls) is set with default value = 'No' 01:39:57.997 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is not set 01:39:57.998 - INFO: Parameter 'use_pmem' (UsePMem) is set with default value = 'No' 01:39:57.998 - INFO: Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set 01:39:57.998 - INFO: Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is not set 01:39:57.998 - INFO: Parameter 'add_components_location' (AddComponentsLocation) is not set 01:39:57.999 - INFO: Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set 01:39:58.000 - INFO: Parameter 'auto_initialize_services' (AutoInitializeServices) is set with default value = 'Yes' 01:39:58.001 - INFO: Parameter 'verify_signature' (VerifySignature) is set with default value = 'No' 01:39:58.005 - INFO: Looking for installer in /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 01:39:58.005 - INFO: Checking directory '/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime' for manifest of 'Resident hdblcm'. 01:39:58.006 - INFO: Product: Resident hdblcm 01:39:58.007 - INFO: Version: 01:39:58.007 - INFO: GitHash: cae6bd272792 01:39:58.159 - INFO: Parameter 'install_execution_mode' (ExecutionMode) is set with default value = 'optimized' 01:39:58.159 - INFO: Parameter 'checkmnt' (CheckMnt) is not set 01:40:05.976 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set by user, value = '/home' 01:40:11.433 - ERR : Cannot resolve host name 'FDC' 01:40:15.921 - INFO: Parameter 'hostname' (HostName) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'fdr' 01:40:15.923 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' (AddHosts) is not set (skipped by user) 01:40:15.923 - INFO: Parameter 'add_local_roles' (AddLocalRoles) is not set 01:40:15.924 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped 01:40:15.924 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped 01:40:15.924 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped 01:40:15.924 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPasswordSHAExecution) is skipped 01:40:15.924 - INFO: Parameter 'HostsProperties' is skipped 01:40:16.922 - INFO: Parameter 'storage_cfg' (StorageConfigDir) is not set 01:40:16.922 - INFO: Parameter 'listen_interface' (ListenInterface) is not set 01:40:16.922 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is not set 01:40:20.237 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' (SID) is set by user, value = 'FDC' 01:40:23.393 - INFO: Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set by user, value = '01' 01:40:23.396 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_trust_unsigned_server' (LSSTrustUnsignedServer) is skipped 01:40:26.449 - INFO: Parameter 'volume_encryption' (VolumeEncryption) is set by user, value = 'Yes' 01:40:26.455 - INFO: Parameter 'pmempath' (BasePathPMem) is skipped 01:40:26.455 - INFO: Parameter 'custom_cfg' (CustomConfigDir) is set with default value = '/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom' 01:40:26.456 - INFO: Parameter 'secure_store' (SecureStore) is set with default value = 'ssfs' 01:40:26.459 - INFO: Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' (CertificatesHostmap:fdr) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'fdr' 01:40:36.390 - INFO: Parameter 'master_password' (MasterPassword) is set by user, value = '***' 01:40:36.390 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.397 - INFO: Check selected components execute permissions... 01:40:36.400 - INFO: Parameter 'userid' (UID) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = '1002' 01:40:36.400 - INFO: Parameter 'timezone' (Timezone) is not set 01:40:36.401 - INFO: Parameter 'machine_utilization' (MachineUtilization) is not set 01:40:36.402 - INFO: Parameter 'repository' (Repository) is set with default value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'client_path' (ClientPath) is skipped 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_path' (StudioPath) is skipped 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_repository' (StudioRepository) is skipped 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'copy_repository' (TargetRepositoryPath) is skipped 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'vm' (JavaVm) is skipped 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'ignore' (Ignore) is skipped 01:40:36.403 - INFO: Parameter 'reference_data_path' (ReferenceDataPath) is skipped 01:40:36.404 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_modify_sudoers' (SkipModifySudoers) is set with default value = 'No' 01:40:36.404 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_use_default_tenant' (InstallXSInDefaultTenant) is skipped 01:40:36.404 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_runtime_db_tenant' (XSTenantDatabaseName) is skipped 01:40:36.404 - INFO: Parameter 'tenantdb_user' (TenantUser) is skipped 01:40:36.404 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_create_initial_container' (hdbinst_server_CreateInitialContainer) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_phase' (hdbinst_server_Phase) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_change_initial_ssfs_key' (hdbinst_server_ChangeInitialSSFSKey) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_strip_symbols' (hdbinst_server_StripSymbols) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_nostart' (hdbinst_server_NoStart) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_http_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpPort) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_https_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpsPort) is not set 01:40:36.405 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_ignore' (hdbinst_server_Ignore) is not set 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_ignore' (hdbinst_client_Ignore) is skipped 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_repository' (hdbinst_studio_SourceRepositoryUrl) is skipped 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_features' (hdbinst_studio_SelectedFeatures) is skipped 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_ignore' (hdbinst_studio_Ignore) is skipped 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_custom_path_for_plugins' (hdbinst_plugin_CustomPluginsPath) is not set 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_system_is_offline' (hdbinst_plugin_SystemIsOffline) is not set 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_nostart' (hdbinst_plugin_NoStart) is not set 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_no_scriptserver_restart' (hdbinst_plugin_NoScriptServerRestart) is not set 01:40:36.406 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_system_user' (hdbinst_plugin_SystemUser) is not set 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_sso_cert' (hdbinst_plugin_SSOCertificate) is not set 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_ignore' (hdbinst_plugin_Ignore) is not set 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'action' (cmd_line_action) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_inst_path' (LSSInstPath) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_user_password' (LSSPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_userid' (LSSUserID) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_groupid' (LSSGroupID) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_user_home' (LSSUserHomeDir) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_user_shell' (LSSUserShell) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_backup_password' (LSSBackupPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.407 - INFO: Parameter 'streaming_cluster_manager_password' (StreamingClusterManagerPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'basepath_streaming' (BasepathStreaming) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'es_datapath' (EsDataPath) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'es_logpath' (EsLogPath) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_datapath' (AcceleratorDataPath) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_logpath' (AcceleratorLogPath) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped 01:40:36.408 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.410 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_app_working_path' (XsEaDataPath) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = '/home/FDC/xs/app_working' 01:40:36.410 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_master_password' (XsMasterPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.582 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_domain_name' (XsDomainName) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'fdr' 01:40:36.584 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_sap_space_user_id' (XSSpaceUserIdSAP) is skipped 01:40:36.584 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_customer_space_user_id' (XSSpaceUserIdProd) is skipped 01:40:36.592 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_components_nostart' (XSComponentsNoStart) is set with default value = 'none' 01:40:36.592 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_components_cfg' (XSComponentsCfg) is not set 01:40:36.592 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_cert_pem' (XSCertPem) is not set 01:40:36.593 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_cert_key' (XSCertKey) is not set 01:40:36.593 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_trust_pem' (XSTrustPem) is not set 01:40:36.593 - INFO: Parameter 'simplified_ui' (UseSimpleUI) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.593 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_hostagent_calls' (SkipHostagentCalls) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.593 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'ssh' 01:40:36.594 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is not set 01:40:36.594 - INFO: Parameter 'use_master_password' (UseMasterPassword) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.594 - INFO: Parameter 'use_pmem' (UsePMem) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.594 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.594 - INFO: Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set 01:40:36.594 - INFO: Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is not set 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'add_components_location' (AddComponentsLocation) is not set 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is set to value = 'multiple_containers' 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'db_isolation' (DbIsolation) is set to value = 'low' 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'create_initial_tenant' (CreateInitialTenant) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'auto_initialize_services' (AutoInitializeServices) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'verify_signature' (VerifySignature) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.595 - INFO: Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set to value = 'server,xs,cockpit' 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'install_execution_mode' (ExecutionMode) is set to value = 'optimized' 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'checkmnt' (CheckMnt) is not set 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set to value = '/home' 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'hostname' (HostName) is set to value = 'fdr' 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' (AddHosts) is skipped 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'add_local_roles' (AddLocalRoles) is not set 01:40:36.596 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPasswordSHAExecution) is skipped 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'HostsProperties' is skipped 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'autoadd_xs_roles' (AutoAddXS2Roles) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'import_xs_content' (ImportContentXS2) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'storage_cfg' (StorageConfigDir) is not set 01:40:36.597 - INFO: Parameter 'listen_interface' (ListenInterface) is not set 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is not set 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' (SID) is set to value = 'FDC' 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set to value = '01' 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'workergroup' (WorkerGroup) is set to value = 'default' 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is set to value = 'custom' 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_trust_unsigned_server' (LSSTrustUnsignedServer) is skipped 01:40:36.598 - INFO: Parameter 'volume_encryption' (VolumeEncryption) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'datapath' (BasePathDataVolumes) is set to value = '/home/data/FDC' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'logpath' (BasePathLogVolumes) is set to value = '/home/log/FDC' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'pmempath' (BasePathPMem) is skipped 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'custom_cfg' (CustomConfigDir) is set to value = '/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'secure_store' (SecureStore) is set to value = 'ssfs' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'max_mem' (MaxMem) is skipped 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' (CertificatesHostmap:fdr) is set to value = 'fdr' 01:40:36.599 - INFO: Parameter 'master_password' (MasterPassword) is set to value = '***' 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'password' (Password) is set to value = '***' 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'home' (HomeDir) is set to value = '/usr/sap/FDC/home' 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'shell' (Shell) is set to value = '/bin/bash' 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'userid' (UID) is set to value = '1002' 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'groupid' (GID) is set to value = '79' 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'timezone' (Timezone) is not set 01:40:36.600 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' (NoStart) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'machine_utilization' (MachineUtilization) is not set 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is set to value = '***' 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'autostart' (AutoStart) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'repository' (Repository) is set to value = 'Yes' 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'isc_mode' (ISCMode) is set to value = 'standard' 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'client_path' (ClientPath) is skipped 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_path' (StudioPath) is skipped 01:40:36.601 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_repository' (StudioRepository) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'copy_repository' (TargetRepositoryPath) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'vm' (JavaVm) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'ignore' (Ignore) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'reference_data_path' (ReferenceDataPath) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'skip_modify_sudoers' (SkipModifySudoers) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_use_default_tenant' (InstallXSInDefaultTenant) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_runtime_db_tenant' (XSTenantDatabaseName) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'tenantdb_user' (TenantUser) is skipped 01:40:36.602 - INFO: Parameter 'tenantdb_user_password' (SQLTenantUserPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.603 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_create_initial_container' (hdbinst_server_CreateInitialContainer) is not set 01:40:36.603 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_phase' (hdbinst_server_Phase) is not set 01:40:36.603 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_change_initial_ssfs_key' (hdbinst_server_ChangeInitialSSFSKey) is not set 01:40:36.603 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_strip_symbols' (hdbinst_server_StripSymbols) is not set 01:40:36.603 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_nostart' (hdbinst_server_NoStart) is not set 01:40:36.603 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine' (hdbinst_server_EnableXSEngine) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_http_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpPort) is not set 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_https_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpsPort) is not set 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_import_content' (hdbinst_server_ImportContent) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_ignore' (hdbinst_server_Ignore) is not set 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_ignore' (hdbinst_client_Ignore) is skipped 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_repository' (hdbinst_studio_SourceRepositoryUrl) is skipped 01:40:36.604 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_features' (hdbinst_studio_SelectedFeatures) is skipped 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_ignore' (hdbinst_studio_Ignore) is skipped 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_custom_path_for_plugins' (hdbinst_plugin_CustomPluginsPath) is not set 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_system_is_offline' (hdbinst_plugin_SystemIsOffline) is not set 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_nostart' (hdbinst_plugin_NoStart) is not set 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_no_scriptserver_restart' (hdbinst_plugin_NoScriptServerRestart) is not set 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_system_user' (hdbinst_plugin_SystemUser) is not set 01:40:36.605 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_sso_cert' (hdbinst_plugin_SSOCertificate) is not set 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_ignore' (hdbinst_plugin_Ignore) is not set 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'action' (cmd_line_action) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_inst_path' (LSSInstPath) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_user_password' (LSSPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_userid' (LSSUserID) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_groupid' (LSSGroupID) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_user_home' (LSSUserHomeDir) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_user_shell' (LSSUserShell) is skipped 01:40:36.606 - INFO: Parameter 'lss_backup_password' (LSSBackupPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'streaming_cluster_manager_password' (StreamingClusterManagerPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'basepath_streaming' (BasepathStreaming) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'es_datapath' (EsDataPath) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'es_logpath' (EsLogPath) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_datapath' (AcceleratorDataPath) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_logpath' (AcceleratorLogPath) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.607 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_app_working_path' (XsEaDataPath) is set to value = '/home/FDC/xs/app_working' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_master_password' (XsMasterPassword) is skipped 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'org_name' (OrgName) is set to value = 'HANACockpit' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'org_manager_user' (OrgManagerUser) is set to value = 'COCKPIT_ADMIN' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'org_manager_password' (OrgManagerPassword) is set to value = '***' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'prod_space_name' (ProdSpaceName) is set to value = 'cockpit' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_routing_mode' (RoutingMode) is set to value = 'ports' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_domain_name' (XsDomainName) is set to value = 'fdr' 01:40:36.608 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_sap_space_isolation' (XSSAPSpaceIsolation) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_customer_space_isolation' (XSSpaceIsolation) is set to value = 'No' 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_sap_space_user_id' (XSSpaceUserIdSAP) is skipped 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_customer_space_user_id' (XSSpaceUserIdProd) is skipped 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_components' (SelectedXs2Applications) is set to value = 'all' 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_components_nostart' (XSComponentsNoStart) is set to value = 'none' 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_components_cfg' (XSComponentsCfg) is not set 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_cert_pem' (XSCertPem) is not set 01:40:36.609 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_cert_key' (XSCertKey) is not set 01:40:36.610 - INFO: Parameter 'xs_trust_pem' (XSTrustPem) is not set 01:40:38.782 - INFO: Installing components... 01:40:38.819 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:40:38.819 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA Database... 01:40:38.819 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:40:38.819 - INFO: Creating directory '/home/data/FDC' 01:40:38.820 - INFO: Creating directory '/home/log/FDC' 01:40:38.825 - INFO: Starting external program /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/hdbinst 01:40:38.825 - INFO: Command line is: /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/hdbinst --phase=offline --archive_dir=/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server --instlog_dir=/var/tmp/hdb_FDC_hdblcm_install_2021-05-13_01.39.46 --use_pmem=off --skip_hostagent_calls=off --remote_execution=ssh --install_hostagent=on --hostname=fdr --sapmnt=/home --sid=FDC --number=01 --workergroup=default --db_mode=multidb --db_isolation=low --create_initial_tenant=off --auto_initialize_services=on --system_usage=custom --home=/usr/sap/FDC/home --userid=1002 --shell=/bin/bash --groupid=79 --volume_encryption=off --datapath=/home/data/FDC --logpath=/home/log/FDC --custom_cfg=/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom --secure_store=ssfs --nostart=off --restrict_max_mem=off --max_mem=0 --autostart=on --repository=on --isc_mode=standard --xs_engine=off --import_content=off --skip_modify_sudoers=off --ignore=check_min_mem --read_password_from_stdin=xml --batch 01:40:40.053 - INFO: Output line 1: SAP HANA Database installation kit detected. 01:40:40.260 - INFO: Output line 2: 01:40:40.260 - INFO: Output line 3: 01:40:40.260 - INFO: Output line 4: SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - Database Installation 01:40:40.260 - INFO: Output line 5: **************************************************************************** 01:40:40.260 - INFO: Output line 6: 01:40:40.260 - INFO: Output line 7: 01:40:40.319 - INFO: Output line 8: Start reading from input channel... 01:40:40.320 - INFO: Output line 9: ... Done. 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 10: 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 11: Summary before execution: 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 12: Installation Path: /home 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 13: SAP HANA System ID: FDC 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 14: Instance Number: 01 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 15: Database Isolation: low 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 16: System Usage: custom 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 17: System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/FDC/home 01:40:40.329 - INFO: Output line 18: System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/bash 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 19: System Administrator User ID: 1002 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 20: ID of User Group (sapsys): 79 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 21: Location of Data Volumes: /home/data/FDC 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 22: Location of Log Volumes: /home/log/FDC 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 23: Local Host Name: fdr 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 24: Import delivery units: No 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 25: Enable the installation or upgrade of the SAP Host Agent: Yes 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 26: Worker Group: default 01:40:40.330 - INFO: Output line 27: Create initial tenant database: No 01:40:40.331 - INFO: Output line 28: Directory containing custom configurations: /root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom 01:40:40.331 - INFO: Output line 29: SAP HANA Database secure store: ssfs 01:40:40.331 - INFO: Output line 30: Restart system after machine reboot?: Yes 01:40:40.331 - INFO: Output line 31: Inter Service Communication Mode: standard 01:40:40.331 - INFO: Output line 32: Enable XS Engine: No 01:40:40.331 - INFO: Output line 33: 01:40:40.343 - INFO: Output line 34: Checking installation... 01:40:40.344 - INFO: Output line 35: Preparing package 'Saphostagent Setup'... 01:40:40.344 - INFO: Output line 36: Preparing package 'Python Support'... 01:40:40.344 - INFO: Output line 37: Preparing package 'Python Runtime'... 01:40:40.345 - INFO: Output line 38: Preparing package 'Product Manifest'... 01:40:40.345 - INFO: Output line 39: Preparing package 'Binaries'... 01:40:40.345 - INFO: Output line 40: Preparing package 'Offline Cockpit'... 01:40:40.345 - INFO: Output line 41: Preparing package 'Krb5 Runtime'... 01:40:40.345 - INFO: Output line 42: Preparing package 'Installer'... 01:40:40.345 - INFO: Output line 43: Preparing package 'Ini Files'... 01:40:40.346 - INFO: Output line 44: Preparing package 'Documentation'... 01:40:41.394 - INFO: Output line 45: Creating System... 01:40:42.913 - INFO: Output line 46: Extracting software... 01:40:42.914 - INFO: Output line 47: Installing package 'Saphostagent Setup'... 01:40:44.706 - INFO: Output line 48: Installing package 'Python Support'... 01:40:44.760 - INFO: Output line 49: Installing package 'Python Runtime'... 01:40:46.008 - INFO: Output line 50: Installing package 'Product Manifest'... 01:40:46.019 - INFO: Output line 51: Installing package 'Binaries'... 01:41:02.139 - INFO: Output line 52: Installing package 'Offline Cockpit'... 01:41:02.156 - INFO: Output line 53: Installing package 'Krb5 Runtime'... 01:41:02.294 - INFO: Output line 54: Installing package 'Installer'... 01:41:02.704 - INFO: Output line 55: Installing package 'Ini Files'... 01:41:02.769 - INFO: Output line 56: Installing package 'Documentation'... 01:41:02.887 - INFO: Output line 57: Creating instance... 01:41:03.290 - INFO: Output line 58: Installation done 01:41:03.734 - INFO: Output line 59: Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_FDC_hdblcm_install_2021-05-13_01.39.46/hdbinst_offline.log' on host 'fdr'. 01:41:03.965 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 0 01:41:03.966 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:03.966 - INFO: END: Install SAP HANA Database (start: 01:40:38.819 duration: 00:00:25) 01:41:03.966 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:40:42.913 - INFO: Status file '/home/FDC/FDC.hdblcm.install' created. 01:41:04.064 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:04.064 - INFO: Installing Resident hdblcm... 01:41:04.064 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:04.064 - INFO: Copying resident hdblcm kit from '/root/cockpit/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64' to '/home/FDC/hdblcm' 01:41:09.590 - INFO: Extracted SAPUI5 libraries from archive '/home/FDC/hdblcm/resources/resident/sapui5libs.tgz' to '/home/FDC/hdblcm/resources/resident' 01:41:09.722 - INFO: Extracted SAP HANA Documentation resources from archive '/home/FDC/hdblcm/resources/resident/adminhelp.tgz' to '/home/FDC/hdblcm/resources/resident' 01:41:09.724 - INFO: File '/home/FDC/hdblcm/resources/resident/application/SystemFlavour.js' was written to the file system. 01:41:09.726 - INFO: Deleting any old HDBCOCKPIT.SMF because a new one not found in installation kit 01:41:09.726 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.726 - INFO: END: Install Resident hdblcm (start: 01:41:04.064 duration: 00:00:05) 01:41:09.726 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.727 - INFO: Deleting persistence file '/home/FDC/pending_hdblcm.xml' of component Resident hdblcm 01:41:09.736 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.736 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime... 01:41:09.736 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.779 - INFO: Creating XSA installation dir '/home/FDC/xs'... 01:41:09.780 - INFO: Creating xs2 symlinks 01:41:09.780 - INFO: Link '/usr/sap/FDC/HDB01/exe/hdbxscontroller' created 01:41:09.780 - INFO: Link '/usr/sap/FDC/HDB01/exe/hdbxsexecagent' created 01:41:09.780 - INFO: Link '/usr/sap/FDC/HDB01/exe/hdbxsuaaserver' created 01:41:09.780 - INFO: Getting global.ini 01:41:09.781 - INFO: Reading global.ini 01:41:09.781 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found 01:41:09.797 - INFO: Layer 'System' found 01:41:09.798 - INFO: Layer 'Host' not found 01:41:09.798 - INFO: Found value 'communication/ssl' = 'off' in layer 'Default' 01:41:09.799 - INFO: Detecting known command line options 01:41:09.799 - INFO: Getting external program configuration 01:41:09.807 - ERR : Cannot get external program configuration 01:41:09.807 - INFO: /root/cockpit/XSA_RT_20_LINUX_X86_64/instruntime/sdbrun: error while loading shared libraries: libnsl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 01:41:09.807 - ERR : Cannot detect command line options dynamically. 01:41:09.807 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.807 - INFO: END: Installation of SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime failed (start: 01:41:09.736 duration: 00:00:00) 01:41:09.807 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.812 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime failed 01:41:09.813 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime failure has been ignored 01:41:09.814 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.814 - INFO: Updating SAP HANA Cockpit Instance Integration on Local Host... 01:41:09.814 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.815 - INFO: Certificate hostname for local host is not defined. Skipping regeneration of local host certificate. 01:41:09.864 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.864 - INFO: Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations... 01:41:09.864 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:09.864 - INFO: Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations on host 'fdr'... 01:41:10.249 - INFO: Calling SAP Host Control web service operation 'DetectManagedObjects' (host: 'fdr', user: 'fdcadm', url: 'http:/tmp/.sapstream1128', arguments: 'manifest' - '/home/FDC/hdblcm/SIGNATURE.SMF') 01:41:10.352 - INFO: Successfully deployed SAP Host Agent configurations on host 'fdr' 01:41:10.353 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:10.353 - INFO: END: Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations (start: 01:41:09.864 duration: 00:00:00) 01:41:10.353 - INFO: --------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:10.354 - INFO: Setting database properties for SAPHostControl 01:41:10.355 - INFO: Starting external program /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec 01:41:10.355 - INFO: Command line is: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -status 01:41:10.431 - INFO: Output line 1: saphostexec running (pid = 5510) 01:41:10.431 - INFO: Output line 2: sapstartsrv running (pid = 5513) 01:41:10.494 - INFO: Output line 3: saposcol running (pid = 5795) 01:41:10.495 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 0 01:41:10.502 - INFO: Calling web service method 'SAPHostControl::GetDatabaseProperties' on local host (url: 'http:/tmp/.sapstream1128', timeout: -1) 01:41:10.502 - INFO: Arguments 01:41:10.502 - INFO: Database/Name: 'SYSTEMDB@FDC' 01:41:10.502 - INFO: Database/Type: 'HDB' 01:41:17.270 - INFO: Web service result 01:41:17.270 - INFO: 'Database/CPUCount' = '0' 01:41:17.270 - INFO: 'Database/Capability/CopyMethods' = 'Online,Offline' 01:41:17.270 - INFO: 'Database/ConfigurationDirectory/Default' = '/home/FDC/sapdbctrl-config' 01:41:17.270 - INFO: 'Database/ConnectAddress' = 'Protocol=tcp;Host=fdr;Port=30113' 01:41:17.270 - INFO: 'Database/DBComponent' = 'SAP HANA DATABASE EXPRESS FOR COCKPIT' 01:41:17.270 - INFO: 'Database/DBRelease' = '' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/DBSysBits' = '64' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Distribution' = 'local' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/ManagementHosts' = 'fdr' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/MultiDatabaseContainer' = 'SystemDB' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Storage/CATALOG_BACKUP' = '/home/FDC/HDB01/backup/log' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Storage/DATA' = '/home/data/FDC' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Storage/DATA_BACKUP' = '/home/FDC/HDB01/backup/data' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Storage/LOG' = '/home/log/FDC' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Storage/LOG_BACKUP' = '/home/FDC/HDB01/backup/log' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: 'Database/Storage/TRACE' = '/usr/sap/FDC/HDB01/fdr' 01:41:17.271 - INFO: SAPHostControl::GetDatabaseProperties() successfully finished 01:41:17.274 - INFO: Calling web service method 'SAPHostControl::SetDatabaseProperty' on local host (url: 'http:/tmp/.sapstream1128', timeout: -1) 01:41:17.274 - INFO: Arguments 01:41:17.274 - INFO: Database/Host: 'fdr' 01:41:17.274 - INFO: Database/InstanceName: 'HDB01' 01:41:17.274 - INFO: Database/Name: 'SYSTEMDB@FDC' 01:41:17.275 - INFO: Database/Password: '***' 01:41:17.275 - INFO: Database/PropertyName: 'DBCredentials' 01:41:17.275 - INFO: Database/PropertyValue: 'SET' 01:41:17.275 - INFO: Database/Type: 'HDB' 01:41:17.275 - INFO: Database/Username: 'SYSTEM' 01:41:17.275 - INFO: Password: '***' 01:41:24.773 - INFO: Web service log 01:41:24.773 - INFO: Executing SetDatabaseProperty 01:41:24.773 - INFO: SetDatabaseProperty successfully executed 01:41:24.773 - INFO: SAPHostControl::SetDatabaseProperty() successfully finished 01:41:25.016 - INFO: Looking for components of system FDC... 01:41:25.019 - INFO: Checking component... 01:41:25.020 - INFO: Product: SAP HANA Database 01:41:25.020 - INFO: Version: 01:41:25.020 - INFO: GitHash: 989e98fd1334a1b6e36785c8bd7e9ab5239960f1 01:41:25.022 - INFO: Detecting Reference Data Installations... 01:41:25.023 - INFO: Looking for server plugins... 01:41:25.025 - INFO: Checking component... 01:41:25.029 - INFO: Product: Resident hdblcm 01:41:25.030 - INFO: Version: 01:41:25.030 - INFO: GitHash: cae6bd272792 01:41:25.030 - INFO: Checking for installed SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime. 01:41:25.039 - INFO: No SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime found. Checking for existing XS Space Isolation Users and Execution Agent Path. 01:41:25.154 - INFO: Removing entry in '/etc/sudoers' that disables 'requiretty' for 'fdcadm'... 01:41:25.154 - INFO: Removing entry in '/etc/sudoers' file for user 'fdcadm'... 01:41:25.155 - INFO: Adapting '/etc/sudoers' 01:41:25.156 - INFO: Getting global.ini 01:41:25.156 - INFO: Reading global.ini 01:41:25.157 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found 01:41:25.201 - INFO: Layer 'System' found 01:41:25.204 - INFO: Layer 'Host' not found 01:41:25.205 - INFO: Found value 'persistence/basepath_xsa_appworkspace' = '' in layer 'Default' 01:41:25.317 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.317 - INFO: END: Update SAP HANA Cockpit Instance Integration on Local Host finished successfully (start: 01:41:09.814 duration: 00:00:15) 01:41:25.317 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.318 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.318 - INFO: Creating Component List... 01:41:25.318 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.421 - INFO: Parsing /home/FDC/exe/linuxx86_64/hdb/PD.XML... 01:41:25.421 - INFO: Reading product information... 01:41:25.422 - INFO: Reading product instances information... 01:41:25.424 - INFO: Processing PD.XML in directory '/home/FDC/exe/linuxx86_64/hdb'... 01:41:25.424 - INFO: Parsing /home/FDC/exe/linuxx86_64/hdb/PD.XML... 01:41:25.424 - INFO: Reading product information... 01:41:25.425 - INFO: Reading product instances information... 01:41:25.426 - INFO: Found product 'SAP NEWDB 2.0'. 01:41:25.426 - INFO: Found product instance 'SAP HANA database server'. 01:41:25.426 - INFO: Found product instance 'SAP HANA Cockpit'. 01:41:25.426 - INFO: Detected product information for product 'SAP NEWDB 2.0' 01:41:25.434 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.434 - INFO: END: Creating Component List (start: 01:41:25.318 duration: 00:00:00) 01:41:25.434 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.453 - INFO: Execution Summary: 01:41:25.453 - INFO: 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Step Name | Runtime 01:41:25.454 - INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA Database | 00:00:26 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Installing Resident hdblcm | 00:00:05 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime | 00:00:00 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Configuring SAP HANA Database | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Starting instances | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Finalizing installation of SAP HANA Database | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Finalizing installation of SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Installing content of SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Assigning Additional Roles to the Local Host | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Updating SAP HANA Cockpit Instance Integration on Local Host | 00:00:16 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA Cockpit Stack | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Creating Component List | 00:00:00 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Installing XS Advanced Components | n/a 01:41:25.454 - INFO: | 01:41:25.454 - INFO: Total execution time | 00:00:47 01:41:25.454 - INFO: 01:41:25.456 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Cockpit System failed. 01:41:25.669 - INFO: Summary of critical errors 01:41:25.456 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Cockpit System failed. 01:41:09.807 - ERR : Cannot detect command line options dynamically. 01:41:09.807 - ERR : Cannot get external program configuration