Grub2 config adding another boot menu item fails

Latest response

I tried this:(just added did not change anything),
I also tried set root=(hd0, "from 0 to 3 number"), did not work also.
I installed epel* and ntfs-3g before.

vim /etc/grub.d/40_custom
menuentry "Win" {
set root=(hd0,1)
chainloader +1

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2.cfg
Found Windows 10 on /dev/sda1
Found Windows 10 on /dev/sda2 ...

It is a Lenovo T61 laptop (it is bios not UEFI - I checked).

Please also give me a link to restore all original /etc/grub.d/* files.
The boot menu does not appear in grubby --info=ALL and also not in reboot.

Please help me. I will really appreciate it.
I usually do not ask such questions on forums but after 14 days of research I do not know what I am doing wrong.
I understand this post has been downgraded, but I still beg You to help me.
Thank You in advance, sincerely, Grega from Slovenia
