[RHEL] How do I profile TCP/IP kernel times?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6


  • Need to profile a datagram between the driver and the consuming application


  • Use systemtap. Add the packages: systemtap, kernel-debuginfo, kernel-debuginfo-common, kernel-devel and gcc
  • Create the following systemtap script:
    /* Sample output:
    Wed Mar  2 16:01:36 |I| drv-ip: 23 us,     ip-tcp: 34 us,      tcp-app: 189 us.     | Proc firefox, PID 19550
    Wed Mar  2 15:01:37 |O| app-tcp: 3 us,     tcp-ip: 7 us,      ip-drv: 2 us.         | Proc firefox, PID 19550
    Wed Mar  2 16:01:37 |I| drv-ip: 14 us,     ip-tcp: 21 us,      tcp-app: 231 us.     | Proc firefox, PID 19550
    Wed Mar  2 15:01:41 |O| app-tcp: 5 us,     tcp-ip: 12 us,      ip-drv: 7 us.        | Proc firefox, PID 19550
    Wed Mar  2 16:01:41 |I| drv-ip: 17 us,     ip-tcp: 15 us,      tcp-app: 147 us.     | Proc firefox, PID 19550
    Wed Mar  2 15:01:41 |O| app-tcp: 4 us,     tcp-ip: 5 us,      ip-drv: 2 us.         | Proc firefox, PID 19550
    Wed Mar  2 16:01:41 |I| drv-ip: 14 us,     ip-tcp: 15 us,      tcp-app: 189 us.     | Proc firefox, PID 19372
    Wed Mar  2 15:01:43 |O| app-tcp: 6 us,     tcp-ip: 13 us,      ip-drv: 7 us.        | Proc firefox, PID 19372 */
    // Global tap vars
    global rcv_skb, ip_rcv, tcp_rcv, app_tx, tcp_tx, ip_tx
    // NIC input buffer
    probe kernel.function("netif_receive_skb") {
         rcv_skb[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // Kernel delivery
    probe kernel.function("netif_rx") {
         rcv_skb[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // Enters IP stack
    probe kernel.function("ip_rcv") {
         ip_rcv[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // Enters TCP stack
    probe kernel.function("tcp_v4_rcv") {
         tcp_rcv[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // Delivered to the consuming app
    probe kernel.function("skb_copy_datagram_iovec") {
         data = gettimeofday_s()
         // Adjust value below for the amount of seconds to add or remove from GMT to match your timezone
         data = data-0
         now = gettimeofday_us()
         // Trigger tap
         if ($skb in tcp_rcv) {
                         printf ("%s \b\b\b\b\b\b |I| drv-ip: %d us,\tip-tcp: %d us,\t tcp-app: %d us.\t| Proc %s, PID %d\n",
                   ip_rcv[$skb] - rcv_skb[$skb],
                   tcp_rcv[$skb] - ip_rcv[$skb],
                   now - tcp_rcv[$skb],
                   execname(), pid())
              // Clean vars
              delete rcv_skb[$skb]
              delete ip_rcv[$skb]
              delete tcp_rcv[$skb]
    // Register skb on TCP stack
    probe kernel.function("tcp_v4_send_check") {
            tcp_tx[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // SK goes off TCP buff
    probe kernel.function("tcp_transmit_skb") {
            app_tx[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // SK enters IP stack
    probe kernel.function("ip_output") {
            ip_tx[$skb] = gettimeofday_us()
    // Delivered to device xmit
    probe kernel.function("dev_queue_xmit") {
            today = gettimeofday_s()
            data = today-0
            inicio = gettimeofday_us()
            if ($skb in app_tx) {
                    printf ("%s \b\b\b\b\b\b |O| app-tcp: %d us,\ttcp-ip: %d us,\t ip-drv: %d us.\t\t| Proc %s, PID %d\n",
                            tcp_tx[$skb] - app_tx[$skb],
                            ip_tx[$skb] - tcp_tx[$skb],
                            inicio - ip_tx[$skb],
                   execname(), pid())
                    delete app_tx[$skb]
                    delete tcp_tx[$skb]
                    delete ip_tx[$skb]

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