Red Hat Satellite from address "x.x.x.x" is using version 3 of the API, which has been deprecated since version 4.0 of the engine

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Virtualization 4
  • Red Hat Satellite 6.6


  • RHV manager logging following warning about Red Hat Satellite 6 server:
Client from address "x.x.x.x" is using version 3 of the API, which has been deprecated since version 4.0 of the engine, and will no longer be supported starting with version 4.3. It is highly recommended to update the client to use a supported version of the API and the SDKs, before upgrading to version 4.3 of the engine.


  • Go to the Satellite WebUI => Infrastructure => Compute-resource => Open RHV => tick "Use APIv4 (experimental)" => Save.

Note: REST API version 4 experimental and not supported in 6.6 or below versions.

Root Cause

  • REST API version 4 is not yet supported by Satellite 6, it is available as an experimental option. By default satellite uses APIv3.

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