How do I add or remove hypervisor content hosts from Red Hat Satellite Server?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6
  • virt-who


  • The virt-who deployed to report hypervisors and VMs to Red Hat Satellite 6 for subscription purposes. How to add or remove some hypervisors from virtualization environment, for example vCenter.


  • The process for making large-scale changes to the VMWare deployment on Satellite side is as follows:
  1. If the vCenters remain the same, no changes are required to virt-who configuration.

  2. You will need to delete all Content Hosts with name like virt-who* on Satellite. This will automatically free up all the physical VDC entitlements that were assigned to them.

  3. The next virt-who run will create the new Content Hosts for the new blades. You can force it immediately just by restarting the virt-who:

    # systemctl restart virt-who
  4. Then you attach the physical VDC entitlements to the new virt-who* content hosts. You can do this via bulk actions on the Satellite WebUI.

  5. The VM clients will get the VDC guest entitlements automatically attached when the 'rhsmcertd' service on the client runs its subscription-check.

  6. You can force the auto-attach immediately on client using the command:

    # subscription-manager attach --auto
    • If you have Ansible or REX configured for your Content Hosts then you can execute the above command on Content Hosts remotely from Satellite as a bulk action.
  • Now, if you are adding and removing blades in a more ad-hoc fashion, the process would be basically the same as above except not targeting ALL blades and VMs with the bulk actions but rather targeting only the virt-who* content host corresponding to the hypervisor(s) you are removing.

Root Cause

  • When you remove a hypervisor from the virtualization manager, the virt-who* content host associated to that hypervisor shows an out of date 'last check in' but the profile is not automatically removed from Satellite.

Diagnostic Steps

  • virt-who* content host has not checked in recently.
  • Changes made to the deployment on the virtualization manager.

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