How do I get audio working on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 on the HP xw4400, xw6400, xw8400 or xw9400 workstations?

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 does not ship with the ALSA subsystem. In order to get audio working in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, contact HP for an audio driver that will work with HP's xw4400, xw6400, xw8400 or xw9400 workstations.

Follow these steps to download the ALSA Drivers:

  1. Visit the website that corresponds to the model:

  2. select "Download drivers and software" under the "Tasks for HP xw{4,6,8}400 Workstation".

  3. Select "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (AMD64/EM64T)" or "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (x86 or AMD64/EM64T)" according to the architecture, the machine with the sound problem has.

  4. Select "Software" and then click on "Obtain software".
