#!/usr/bin/python #### # # Meant to help debug repodata generation issues ; this script will query the regeneration of the repodata through api or through an entry in the db. # #### __author__ = "Felix Dewaleyne" __credits__ = ["Felix Dewaleyne"] __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "3.1.0" __maintainer__ = "Felix Dewaleyne" __email__ = "fdewaley@redhat.com" __status__ = "stable" ## # will work for 5.4 and 5.5 # will work for 5.3 only if using the database options (--db --cleandb) ## ### # To the extent possible under law, Red Hat, Inc. has dedicated all copyright to this software to the public domain worldwide, pursuant to the CC0 Public Domain Dedication. # This software is distributed without any warranty. See . ### import xmlrpclib, sys, getpass, ConfigParser, os, optparse, re # import stat as well for the repodata file time edit import stat #global variables client=None; SATELLITE_LOGIN=None; config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(['.satellite', os.path.expanduser('~/.satellite'), '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/satellite']) # this will initialize a session and return its key. # for security reason the password is removed from memory before exit, but we want to keep the current username. def session_init(orgname='baseorg', settings={} ): global client; global config; global SATELLITE_LOGIN; global satver; if 'url' in settings and not settings['url'] == None: SATELLITE_URL = settings['url'] elif config.has_section('default') and config.has_option('default', 'url'): SATELLITE_URL = config.get('default','url') else: sys.stderr.write("enter the satellite url, such as https://satellite.example.com/rpc/api") sys.stderr.write("\n") SATELLITE_URL = raw_input().strip() #format the url if a part is missing if re.match('^http(s)?://[\w\-.]+/rpc/api',SATELLITE_URL) == None: if re.search('^http(s)?://', SATELLITE_URL) == None: SATELLITE_URL = "https://"+SATELLITE_URL if re.search('/rpc/api$', SATELLITE_URL) == None: SATELLITE_URL = SATELLITE_URL+"/rpc/api" if 'login' in settings and not settings['login'] == None: SATELLITE_LOGIN = settings['login'] elif config.has_section(orgname) and config.has_option(orgname, 'username'): SATELLITE_LOGIN = config.get(orgname, 'username') else: sys.stderr.write("Login details for %s\n\n" % SATELLITE_URL) sys.stderr.write("Login: ") SATELLITE_LOGIN = raw_input().strip() if 'password' in settings and not settings['password'] == None: SATELLITE_PASSWORD = settings['password'] elif config.has_section(orgname) and config.has_option(orgname, 'password'): SATELLITE_PASSWORD = config.get(orgname, 'password') else: SATELLITE_PASSWORD = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ") sys.stderr.write("\n") #inits the connection client = xmlrpclib.Server(SATELLITE_URL, verbose=0) key = client.auth.login(SATELLITE_LOGIN, SATELLITE_PASSWORD) # removes the password from memory del SATELLITE_PASSWORD #fetch the version of satellite in use - set to None if this call generates an error try: satver = client.api.systemVersion() print "satellite version "+satver except: satver = None print "unable to detect the version" pass return key def print_channels(key): global client; print "Channels:" print (" %42s | %10s | %s" % ("Label", "Checksum", "Name")) try: for channel in client.channel.listSoftwareChannels(key): details = client.channel.software.getDetails(key,channel['label']) if 'checksum_label' in details : print (" %42s | %10s | %s" % (channel['label'], details['checksum_label'] ,channel['name'])) else: print (" %42s | %10s | %s" % (channel['label'], "" ,channel['name'])) except: sys.stderr.write("error trying to list channels") raise def select_channels(key): """Selects all channels that aren't RHEL4 or RHEL3 or don't have no checksum defined""" global client; channels = [] for channel in client.channel.listSoftwareChannels(key): ch = client.channel.software.getDetails(key,channel['label']) #if 'checksum_label' in ch and ch['checksum_label'] in ('sha256','sha1','sha384','sha512'): #updated the test to not use a finite list of checksums but rather only check if there is one if ch.get('checksum_label',None) != None: channels.append(ch['label']) else: sys.stderr.write("no checksum type - ignoring "+ch['label']+"\n") return channels def regen_channel(key,force,channel=None): # this should be enough to ask the satellite to regenerate the yum cache - the repodata - but removing the /var/cache/rhn/repodata then running this might give better results (especially if need to force). if force: print "removing previous content to force regeneration" import shutil,os folder = '/var/cache/rhn/repodata' if channel == None: for entry in os.listdir(folder): entry_path = os.path.join(folder,entry) if os.path.isdir(entry_path): setback_repomd_timestamp(entry_path) else: setback_repomd_timestamp(os.path.join(folder,channel)) if channel == None: print "requesting global regeneration of the repodata" for entry in select_channels(key): try: client.channel.software.regenerateYumCache(key,entry) print "successfully queued "+entry except: sys.stderr.write("error trying to request the repodata regeneration for "+entry) pass try: client.channel.software.regenerateNeededCache(key) print "The needed cache of all systems has been regenerated" except: sys.stderr.write("an exception occured durring the regenerateNeededCache call!") raise else: print "requesting that the repodata would be regenerated for "+channel try: client.channel.software.regenerateYumCache(key,channel) print "repodata regeneration requested for "+channel except: sys.stderr.write( "error trying to request the repodata regeneration for "+channel) raise try: client.channel.software.regenerateNeededCache(key,channel) print "The needed cache of all systems subscribed to channel "+channel+" has been regenerated" except: sys.stderr.write( "an exception occured durring the regenerateNeededCache call!") raise def setback_repomd_timestamp(repocache_path): repomd_file = (repocache_path + '/repomd.xml') stat_info = os.stat(repomd_file) mtime = stat_info[stat.ST_MTIME] new_mtime = mtime - 3600 try: os.utime(repomd_file, (new_mtime, new_mtime)) except OSError, e: sys.stderr.write("error setting back timestamp on %s: %s" % (repomd_file, e.strerror)) sys.stderr.write("if the file does not exist ignore this error") pass def regen_channel_db(key,channels=(), clean_db=False): """Inserts into the database the taskomatic jobs. requires to be run on the satellite or import will fail""" global satver; import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/rhn/') #TODO: replace this by a file read test #TODO: use the taskomatic module instead to do the db operation #TODO: make this Satellite 5.6 compatible try: #import server.repomd.repository as repository import server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL except ImportError: # this changed for 5.5 import spacewalk.server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import spacewalk.common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import spacewalk.server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL rhnConfig.initCFG() rhnSQL.initDB() if clean_db: h = rhnSQL.prepare("DELETE FROM rhnRepoRegenQueue") h.execute() rhnSQL.commit(); #this part should only run on 5.4.0 versions (it will fail on others) #only execute g if need to be cleaned and on 5.4.0 minimum g = rhnSQL.prepare("DELETE FROM rhnPackageRepodata WHERE package_id IN (SELECT a.package_id FROM rhnChannelPackage a, rhnChannel b WHERE a.channel_id = b.id AND b.label like :channel)") h = rhnSQL.prepare("INSERT INTO rhnRepoRegenQueue (id, CHANNEL_LABEL, REASON, BYPASS_FILTERS, FORCE) VALUES (rhn_repo_regen_queue_id_seq.nextval, :channel , 'repodata regeneration script','Y', 'Y')") if satver in ('5.4.0', '5.5.0') and clean_db: #this is a satellite of at least version 5.4.0 or 5.5.0 for label in channels: g.execute(channel=label) h.execute(channel=label) print "channel "+label+" has been queued for regeneration, previous repodata were cleaned from the database" else: for label in channels: h.execute(channel=label) print "channel "+label+" has been queued for regeneration" rhnSQL.commit(); #now clean the needed cache to make sure all systems see their updates properly try: client.channel.software.regenerateNeededCache(key) print "The needed cache has been regenerated for all systems" except: sys.stderr.write("an exception occured durring the regenerateNeededCache call!") raise pass def main(version): global client; parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog -c channelname|-l|-a [-f]\n Requests to a satellite that a channel's repodata is regenerated\n satellite 5.3 requires that you use --db or --cleandb\n RHEL4 channels (and anterior) do not need their repodata to be generated to work.", version=version) parser.add_option("-l", "--list", dest="listing", help="List all channels and quit", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-c", "--channel", dest="channel", help="Label of the channel to querry regeneration for") parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true",dest="regen_all",help="Causes a global regeneration instead of just one channel") # local only options local_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Local options", "Require to run the script directly on the satellite if used") local_group.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true",dest="force_operation",help="Forces the operation ; can only work if the script is run on the satellite itself",default=False) local_group.add_option("--db", action="store_true", dest="use_db", help="Use the database instead of the api ; implies --force", default=False) local_group.add_option("--cleandb", action="store_true", dest="clean_db", help="Get rid of the pending actions before adding the new ones ; also deletes existing metadata stored in the database for the channel(s) used (5.4.0+ only). implies --db and --force.", default=False) parser.add_option_group(local_group) # connection options connect_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Connection options","Not required unless you want to bypass the details of ~/.satellite, .satellite or /etc/sysconfig/rhn/satellite or simply don't want to be asked the settings at run time") connect_group.add_option("--url", dest="saturl",default=None, help="URL of the satellite api, e.g. https://satellite.example.com/rpc/api or ; can also be just the hostname or ip of the satellite. Facultative.") connect_group.add_option("--user", dest="satuser",default=None, help="username to use with the satellite. Should be admin of the organization owning the channels. Faculative.") connect_group.add_option("--password", dest="satpwd",default=None, help="password of the user. Will be asked if not given and not in the configuration file.") connect_group.add_option("--org", dest="satorg", default="baseorg", help="name of the organization to use - design the section of the config file to use. Facultative, defaults to %default") parser.add_option_group(connect_group) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.listing: key = session_init(options.satorg , {"url" : options.saturl, "login" : options.satuser, "password" : options.satpwd}) print_channels(key) client.auth.logout(key) elif options.use_db or options.clean_db: if not options.channel and not options.regen_all: parser.error('no channel mentioned') elif options.regen_all: key = session_init(options.satorg , {"url" : options.saturl, "login" : options.satuser, "password" : options.satpwd}) regen_channel_db(key,select_channels(key), options.clean_db) else: key = session_init(options.satorg , {"url" : options.saturl, "login" : options.satuser, "password" : options.satpwd}) regen_channel_db(key,[options.channel],options.clean_db) elif options.regen_all: key = session_init(options.satorg , {"url" : options.saturl, "login" : options.satuser, "password" : options.satpwd}) regen_channel(key,options.force_operation) client.auth.logout(key) elif options.channel: key = session_init(options.satorg , {"url" : options.saturl, "login" : options.satuser, "password" : options.satpwd}) regen_channel(key,options.force_operation,options.channel) client.auth.logout(key) else: parser.error('no action given') #calls start here if __name__=="__main__": main(__version__)