How do I configure a bridged network interface for KVM in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 without manually editing a lot of config files?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5
  • KVM shipped with RHEL 5.5


  • How do I configure a bridged network interface for KVM in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 without manually editing a lot of config files?


  • The host should be accessed through a physical or serial session as changes to the network configuration files may cause the network access  to be lost. The following steps are necessary:
# virsh net-list

# virsh net-create bridge_custom (bridge name)
<bridge name='diabo0' stp='on' delay='0' />
<forward mode="route" dev="eth0"/> ## Change 'forward mode' to 'route'
<ip address='' netmask=''>
<range start='' end='' />
  • After that, a new config file will appear in /etc/libvirt/quemu/networks/ with the name of your bridge, example:

    # /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/bridge_custom.xml

  • Then, define the new bridge using command bellow:

    # virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/bridge_custom.xml
  • For more information about bridge configuration you can also follow steps of the article:

How do I configure a bridged network interface for KVM using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later?

  • Component
  • kvm

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