Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

第 1 章 介绍

1.1. 关于 Red Hat JBoss EAP 7

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7(JBoss EAP 7)是一个构建在开放标准上并和 Java EE 7 规格兼容的中间件平台。它集成了 WildFly Application Server 10 和高可用性的群集、消息系统以及其他技术。

JBoss EAP 使用了模块化结构,允许在有需要时才启用服务,从而提高了启动速度。

管理控制台和管理命令行界面(Command-line Interface,CLI)使您不需要再编辑 XML 配置文件并增添了使用脚本和自动化任务的能力。

JBoss EAP 提供了两种操作模式:独立服务器和受管域。独立服务器操作模式代表 JBoss EAP 作为单个服务器实例运行。受管域模式则允许通过单个控制点管理多个 JBoss EAP 实例。

此外,JBoss EAP 包含了 API 和开放框架以用于快速开发安全和可扩充的 Java EE 应用程序。

1.2. 关于迁移指南

The purpose of this guide is to document the changes that are required to successfully run and deploy Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 applications on Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7. It provides information about the new features available in this release, the deprecated and unsupported features, and any application and server configuration updates that might be required to prevent changes in application behavior.

It also provides information about tools that can help with the migration, such as Windup, which simplifies migration of Java applications, and the JBoss Server Migration Tool, which updates the server configuration.

Once the application is successfully deployed and running, plans can be made to upgrade individual components to use the new functions and features of JBoss EAP 7.

If you plan to migrate your JBoss EAP 5 applications directly to JBoss EAP 7, see Migrating from Older Releases of JBoss EAP.

1.3. 关于迁移和升级


A major upgrade or migration is required when an application is moved from one major release to another, for example, from JBoss EAP 6 to JBoss EAP 7. This is the type of migration addressed in this guide. If an application follows the Java EE specifications, does not access deprecated APIs, and does not contain proprietary code, it might be possible to run the application in JBoss EAP 7 without any application code changes. However, server configuration has changed in JBoss EAP 7 and any server configuration settings require migration.


JBoss EAP periodically provides point releases, which are minor updates that include bug fixes, security fixes, and new features. The JBoss EAP Patching and Upgrading Guide describes how to upgrade from one point release to another, for example from JBoss EAP 7.0 to JBoss EAP 7.1.


JBoss EAP also periodically provides cumulative patches that contain bug and security fixes. Cumulative patches increment the release by the last digit, for example from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1. Patch installation is covered in detail in the JBoss EAP Patching and Upgrading Guide.

1.4. 关于本文档里 EAP_HOME 的使用

在本文档里,我们使用变量 EAP_HOME 来表示 JBoss EAP 的安装位置。请用实际的安装位置替换这个变量。

  • 如果您用 ZIP 方式安装 JBoss EAP,安装目录就是您解压 ZIP 归档文件的目录 jboss-eap-7.0
  • 如果您用 RPM 方式安装 JBoss EAP,安装目录是 /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/
  • 如果您使用安装程序来安装 JBoss EAP,默认的 EAP_HOME 路径是 ${user.home}/EAP-7.0.0

    • 对于 Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Solaris 和 HP-UX:/home/USER_NAME/EAP-7.0.0/
    • 对于 Microsoft Windows:C:\Users\USER_NAME\EAP-7.0.0\
  • 如果您使用 JBoss Developer Studio 安装程序来安装和配置 JBoss EAP 服务器,默认的 EAP_HOME 路径是 ${user.home}/jbdevstudio/runtimes/jboss-eap

    • 对于 Red Hat Enterprise Linux:/home/USER_NAME/jbdevstudio/runtimes/jboss-eap/
    • 对于 Microsoft Windows:C:\Users\USER_NAME\jbdevstudio\runtimes\jboss-eapC:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\jbdevstudio\runtimes\jboss-eap\

EAP_HOME 不是一个环境变量。脚本里使用的环境变量是 JBOSS_HOME