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5.12. Troubleshooting with the multipathd Interactive Console

The multipathd -k command is an interactive interface to the multipathd daemon. Entering this command brings up an interactive multipath console. After executing this command, you can enter help to get a list of available commands, you can enter a interactive command, or you can enter CTRL-D to quit.
multipathd 互动控制台可用来在您的系统有问题时进行故障排除。例如:以下命令会在退出控制台前显示多路径配置,其中包括默认配置。
# multipathd -k
> > show config
> > CTRL-D
以下命令确定多路径已经识别了所有对 multipath.conf 的修改。
# multipathd -k
> > reconfigure
> > CTRL-D
# multipathd -k
> > show paths
> > CTRL-D