5.2. Running Cluster Loader


  • The repository will prompt you to authenticate. The registry credentials allow you to access the image, which is not publicly available. Use your existing authentication credentials from installation.


  1. Execute Cluster Loader using the built-in test configuration, which deploys five template builds and waits for them to complete:

    $ podman run -v ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}:/root/.kube/config:z -i \
    quay.io/openshift/origin-tests:4.5 /bin/bash -c 'export KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config && \
    openshift-tests run-test "[sig-scalability][Feature:Performance] Load cluster \
    should populate the cluster [Slow][Serial] [Suite:openshift]"'

    Alternatively, execute Cluster Loader with a user-defined configuration by setting the environment variable for VIPERCONFIG:

    $ podman run -v ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}:/root/.kube/config:z \
    -v ${LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE_PATH}:/root/configs/:z \
    -i quay.io/openshift/origin-tests:4.5 \
    /bin/bash -c 'KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config VIPERCONFIG=/root/configs/test.yaml \
    openshift-tests run-test "[sig-scalability][Feature:Performance] Load cluster \
    should populate the cluster [Slow][Serial] [Suite:openshift]"'

    In this example, ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG} refers to the path to the kubeconfig on your local file system. Also, there is a directory called ${LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE_PATH}, which is mounted into the container that contains a configuration file called test.yaml. Additionally, if the test.yaml references any external template files or podspec files, they should also be mounted into the container.