1.4. Deprecated and removed features

Some features available in previous releases have been deprecated or removed.

Deprecated functionality is still included in OpenShift Container Platform and continues to be supported; however, it will be removed in a future release of this product and is not recommended for new deployments. For the most recent list of major functionality deprecated and removed within OpenShift Container Platform 4.5, refer to the table below. Additional details for more fine-grained functionality that has been deprecated and removed are listed after the table.

In the table, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • GA: General Availability
  • DEP: Deprecated
  • REM: Removed

表 1.1. Deprecated and removed features tracker

FeatureOCP 4.3OCP 4.4OCP 4.5

Service Catalog




Template Service Broker




OpenShift Ansible Service Broker












Operator Framework’s Package Manifest Format




v1beta1 CRDs




External provisioner for AWS EFS (Technology Preview)




1.4.1. Deprecated features Jenkins Pipeline build strategy

The Jenkins Pipeline build strategy is now deprecated. You should use Jenkinsfiles directly on Jenkins or OpenShift Pipelines instead. v1beta1 CRDs

The apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 API version for custom resource definitions (CRDs) is now deprecated. It will be removed in a future release of OpenShift Container Platform.

See v1 CRD support in Operator Lifecycle Manager for related details. Custom label no longer in use

The flavor.template.kubevirt.io/Custom label is no longer used to identify Custom flavors. OperatorSource and CatalogSourceConfig objects block cluster upgrades

The OperatorSource and CatalogSourceConfig objects have been deprecated for several OpenShift Container Platform releases. Starting in OpenShift Container Platform 4.4, if there are any custom OperatorSource or CatalogSourceConfig objects present on the cluster, the marketplace cluster Operator sets an Upgradeable=false condition and issues a Warning alert. This means that upgrades to OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 are blocked if the objects are still installed.


Upgrades to OpenShift Container Platform 4.4 z-stream releases are still permitted in this state.

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.5, OperatorSource objects are still deprecated and only exist for the use of the default OperatorSource objects. CatalogSourceConfig objects, however, are now removed.

See the OpenShift Container Platform 4.4 release notes for how to convert OperatorSource and CatalogSourceConfig objects to use CatalogSource objects directly, which clears the alert and enables cluster upgrades to OpenShift Container Platform 4.5. Ignition config spec v2

The v2 Ignition config spec is now deprecated for use when deploying new nodes as part of a fresh OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 installation. The v2 Ignition config spec is still supported for machine configurations.

If you have created custom Ignition v2 spec configurations to deploy new clusters, you must convert these to spec v3 when installing new OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 clusters. You should use the Ignition Config Converter tool to complete the conversion process. In general, v2 can be directly translated to v3. In certain edge cases, you might need to modify the output to make explicit configuration details that were assumed by spec v2.

1.4.2. Removed features OpenShift CLI commands and flags removed

The following oc commands and flags are affected:

  • The oc policy can-i command was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.9 and has been removed. You must use oc auth can-i instead.
  • The --image flag previously used for the oc new-app and oc new-build commands was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.2 and has been removed. You must use the --image-stream flag with these commands instead.
  • The --list flag previously used in the oc set volumes command was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 and has been removed. The oc set volumes lists volumes without a flag.
  • The -t flag previously used in the oc process command was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 and has been removed. You must use the --template flag with this command instead.
  • The --output-version flag previously used in the oc process command was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 and has been removed. This flag was already ignored.
  • The -v flag previously used in the oc set deployment-hook command was deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 and has been removed. You must use the --volumes flag with this command instead.
  • The -v and --verbose flags previously used in the oc status command were deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 and have been removed. You must use the --suggest flag with this command instead. The oc run OpenShift CLI command now only creates pods

The oc run command can now only be used to create pods. Use the oc create command instead to create other resources. Service Catalog, Template Service Broker, and their Operators


Service Catalog is not installed by default in OpenShift Container Platform 4; however, it now blocks upgrades to OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 if installed.

Service Catalog, Template Service Broker, Ansible Service Broker, and their associated Operators were deprecated starting in OpenShift Container Platform 4.2. Ansible Service Broker, including Ansible Service Broker Operator and related APIs and APBs, were removed in OpenShift Container Platform 4.4.

Service Catalog, Template Service Broker, and their associated Operators are now removed in OpenShift Container Platform 4.5, including the related .servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1 API.


Templates are still available in OpenShift Container Platform 4.5, but they are no longer handled by Template Service Broker. By default, the Samples Operator handles Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)-based OpenShift Container Platform image streams and templates. See Configuring the Samples Operator for details.

The service-catalog-controller-manager and service-catalog-apiserver cluster Operators were set to Upgradeable=false in 4.4. This means that they block cluster upgrades to the next minor version, 4.5 in this case, if they are still installed at that time. Upgrades to z-stream releases such as 4.4.z, however, are still permitted in this state.

If Service Catalog and Template Service Broker are enabled in 4.4, specifically if their management state is set to Managed, the web console warns cluster administrators that these features are still enabled. The following alerts can be viewed from the MonitoringAlerting page on a 4.4 cluster and have a Warning severity:

  • ServiceCatalogAPIServerEnabled
  • ServiceCatalogControllerManagerEnabled
  • TemplateServiceBrokerEnabled

If they are still enabled on a 4.4 cluster, cluster administrators can see Uninstalling Service Catalog and Uninstalling Template Service Broker in the OpenShift Container Platform 4.4 documentation to uninstall it, which permits cluster upgrades to 4.5.

In 4.5, a pair of jobs are created in a new openshift-service-catalog-removed namespace to run during the cluster upgrade process. Their behavior depends on the management state of Service Catalog:

  • Removed: The Jobs remove the following Service Catalog items:

    • Operators
    • namespaces
    • Custom Resources (CRs)
    • ClusterRole objects
    • ClusterRoleBinding objects
  • Unmanaged: The jobs skip removal and do nothing.
  • Managed: The jobs report an error in logs. This state is unlikely to occur because upgrades would have been blocked. The jobs take no other actions.

The jobs and openshift-service-catalog-removed namespace will be removed in a future OpenShift Container Platform release.


As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.5, all Red Hat-provided service brokers have been removed. Any other broker installed by users is not removed by the upgrade process. This is to avoid removing any services that might have been deployed using the brokers. Users must remove these brokers manually. CatalogSourceConfig objects removed

CatalogSourceConfig objects are now removed. See OperatorSource and CatalogSourceConfig objects block cluster upgrades for more details. Images removed from samples imagestreams

The following images are no longer included in the samples imagestreams provided with OpenShift Container Platform:

registry.redhat.io/rhscl/ruby-23-rhel7 External provisioner for AWS EFS (Technology Preview) feature has been removed

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic File System (EFS) Technology Preview feature has been removed and is no longer supported.