4.3. Changing the default storage class

If you are using AWS, use the following process to change the default storage class. This process assumes you have two storage classes defined, gp2 and standard, and you want to change the default storage class from gp2 to standard.

  1. List the storage class:

    $ oc get storageclass

    Example output

    NAME                 TYPE
    gp2 (default)        kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 1
    standard             kubernetes.io/aws-ebs

    (default) denotes the default storage class.
  2. Change the value of the annotation storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class to false for the default storage class:

    $ oc patch storageclass gp2 -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class": "false"}}}'
  3. Make another storage class the default by adding or modifying the annotation as storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class=true.

    $ oc patch storageclass standard -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class": "true"}}}'
  4. Verify the changes:

    $ oc get storageclass

    Example output

    NAME                 TYPE
    gp2                  kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
    standard (default)   kubernetes.io/aws-ebs