4.3. Creating Pipeline Tasks


  1. Install the apply-manifests and update-deployment Tasks from the pipelines-tutorial repository, which contains a list of reusable Tasks for Pipelines:

    $ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/release-tech-preview-2/01_pipeline/01_apply_manifest_task.yaml
    $ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/release-tech-preview-2/01_pipeline/02_update_deployment_task.yaml
  2. Use the tkn task list command to list the Tasks you created:

    $ tkn task list

    The output verifies that the apply-manifests and update-deployment Tasks were created:

    NAME                DESCRIPTION   AGE
    apply-manifests                   1 minute ago
    update-deployment                 48 seconds ago
  3. Use the tkn clustertasks list command to list the Operator-installed additional ClusterTasks, for example --buildah and s2i-python-3:


    You must use a privileged Pod container to run the buildah ClusterTask because it requires a privileged security context. To learn more about security context constraints (SCC) for pods, see the Additional resources section.

    $ tkn clustertasks list

    The output lists the Operator-installed ClusterTasks:

    NAME                       DESCRIPTION   AGE
    buildah                                  1 day ago
    git-clone                                1 day ago
    s2i-php                                  1 day ago
    tkn                                      1 day ago