6.7. Configuring the route admission policy

Administrators and application developers can run applications in multiple namespaces with the same domain name. This is for organizations where multiple teams develop microservices that are exposed on the same host name.


Allowing claims across namespaces should only be enabled for clusters with trust between namespaces, otherwise a malicious user could take over a host name. For this reason, the default admission policy disallows host name claims across namespaces.


  • Cluster administrator privileges.


  • Edit the .spec.routeAdmission field of the ingresscontroller resource variable using the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"routeAdmission":{"namespaceOwnership":"InterNamespaceAllowed"}}}' --type=merge

    Sample Ingress Controller configuration

        namespaceOwnership: InterNamespaceAllowed