8.2. Automated discovery of PTP network devices

The PTP Operator adds the NodePtpDevice.ptp.openshift.io custom resource definition (CRD) to OpenShift Container Platform. The PTP Operator will search your cluster for PTP capable network devices on each node. The Operator creates and updates a NodePtpDevice custom resource (CR) object for each node that provides a compatible PTP device.

One CR is created for each node, and shares the same name as the node. The .status.devices list provides information about the PTP devices on a node.

The following is an example of a NodePtpDevice CR created by the PTP Operator:

apiVersion: ptp.openshift.io/v1
kind: NodePtpDevice
  creationTimestamp: "2019-11-15T08:57:11Z"
  generation: 1
  name: dev-worker-0 1
  namespace: openshift-ptp 2
  resourceVersion: "487462"
  selfLink: /apis/ptp.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/openshift-ptp/nodeptpdevices/dev-worker-0
  uid: 08d133f7-aae2-403f-84ad-1fe624e5ab3f
spec: {}
  devices: 3
  - name: eno1
  - name: eno2
  - name: ens787f0
  - name: ens787f1
  - name: ens801f0
  - name: ens801f1
  - name: ens802f0
  - name: ens802f1
  - name: ens803
The value for the name parameter is the same as the name of the node.
The CR is created in openshift-ptp namespace by PTP Operator.
The devices collection includes a list of all of the PTP capable devices discovered by the Operator on the node.