第 17 章 Configuring a custom PKI

Some platform components, such as the web console, use Routes for communication and must trust other components' certificates to interact with them. If you are using a custom public key infrastructure (PKI), you must configure it so its privately signed CA certificates are recognized across the cluster.

You can leverage the Proxy API to add cluster-wide trusted CA certificates. You must do this either during installation or at runtime.

  • During installation, configure the cluster-wide proxy. You must define your privately signed CA certificates in the install-config.yaml file’s additionalTrustBundle setting.

    The installation program generates a ConfigMap that is named user-ca-bundle that contains the additional CA certificates you defined. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle ConfigMap that merges these CA certificates with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) trust bundle; this ConfigMap is referenced in the Proxy object’s trustedCA field.

  • At runtime, modify the default Proxy object to include your privately signed CA certificates (part of cluster’s proxy enablement workflow). This involves creating a ConfigMap that contains the privately signed CA certificates that should be trusted by the cluster, and then modifying the proxy resource with the trustedCA referencing the privately signed certificates' ConfigMap.

The installer configuration’s additionalTrustBundle field and the proxy resource’s trustedCA field are used to manage the cluster-wide trust bundle; additionalTrustBundle is used at install time and the proxy’s trustedCA is used at runtime.

The trustedCA field is a reference to a ConfigMap containing the custom certificate and key pair used by the cluster component.

17.1. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • An existing install-config.yaml file.
  • Review the sites that your cluster requires access to and determine whether any need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. Add sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
    baseDomain: my.domain.com
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: example.com 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http. If you use an MITM transparent proxy network that does not require additional proxy configuration but requires additional CAs, you must not specify an httpProxy value.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster. If this field is not specified, then httpProxy is used for both HTTP and HTTPS connections. If you use an MITM transparent proxy network that does not require additional proxy configuration but requires additional CAs, you must not specify an httpsProxy value.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, domains, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, .y.com matches x.y.com, but not y.com. Use * to bypass proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace that contains one or more additional CA certificates that are required for proxying HTTPS connections. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges these contents with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) trust bundle, and this config map is referenced in the Proxy object’s trustedCA field. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle. If you use an MITM transparent proxy network that does not require additional proxy configuration but requires additional CAs, you must provide the MITM CA certificate.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.