2.4. Granting user permissions using CLI

This procedure shows how to grant users permissions for monitoring their own services using the CLI.


Whichever role you choose, you must bind it against a specific namespace.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Have a user created.
  • Log in using the oc command.


  • Run this command to assign a role to a user in a defined namespace:

    $ oc policy add-role-to-user <role> <user> -n <namespace>

    Substitute <role> with monitoring-rules-view, monitoring-rules-edit, or monitoring-edit.

    • monitoring-rules-view allows reading PrometheusRule custom resources within the namespace.
    • monitoring-rules-edit allows creating, modifying, and deleting PrometheusRule custom resources matching the permitted namespace.
    • monitoring-edit gives the same permissions as monitoring-rules-edit. Additionally, it allows creating scraping targets for services or pods. It also allows creating, modifying, and deleting ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor resources.

    As an example, substitute the role with monitoring-edit, the user with johnsmith, and the namespace with ns1. This assigns to user johnsmith the permissions for setting up metrics collection and creating alerting rules in the ns1 namespace.