2.9. Accessing alerting rules for all namespaces

As a cluster administrator, you can access alerting rules from all namespaces together in a single view.


In a future release, the route to the Thanos Ruler UI will be deprecated in favor of the web console.


  • Have the oc command installed.
  • Log in as a cluster administrator.


  1. List routes for the openshift-user-workload-monitoring namespace:

    $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get routes

    The output shows the URL for the Thanos Ruler UI:

    NAME           HOST/PORT
    thanos-ruler   thanos-ruler-openshift-user-workload-monitoring.apps.example.devcluster.openshift.com
  2. Navigate to the listed URL. Here you can see user alerting rules from all namespaces.