8.3. Creating service accounts

You can create a service account in a project and grant it permissions by binding it to a role.


  1. Optional: To view the service accounts in the current project:

    $ oc get sa

    Example output

    NAME       SECRETS   AGE
    builder    2         2d
    default    2         2d
    deployer   2         2d

  2. To create a new service account in the current project:

    $ oc create sa <service_account_name> 1
    To create a service account in a different project, specify -n <project_name>.

    Example output

    serviceaccount "robot" created

  3. Optional: View the secrets for the service account:

    $ oc describe sa robot

    Example output

    Name:		robot
    Namespace:	project1
    Labels:		<none>
    Annotations:	<none>
    Image pull secrets:	robot-dockercfg-qzbhb
    Mountable secrets: 	robot-token-f4khf
    Tokens:            	robot-token-f4khf