Red Hat Training

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18.21. Clonagem de Arquivos de Configuração de Convidado

You can copy (or clone) an existing configuration file to create an all new guest. You must modify the name parameter of the guests' configuration file. The new, unique name then appears in the hypervisor and is viewable by the management utilities. You must generate an all new UUID as well (using the uuidgen(1) command). Then for the vif entries you must define a unique MAC address for each guest (if you are copying a guest configuration from an existing guest, you can create a script to handle it). For the xen bridge information, if you move an existing guest configuration file to a new host, you must update the xenbr entry to match your local networking configuration. For the Device entries, you must modify the entries in the 'disk=' section to point to the correct guest image.
You must also modify these system configuration settings on your guest. You must modify the HOSTNAME entry of the /etc/sysconfig/network file to match the new guest's hostname.
Modifique o endereço HWADDR do /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 para combinar com a saída do ifconfig eth0 e caso você use os endereços IP estáticos, modifique a entrada IPADDR.