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4.10.2. 암호화 클라이언트 설치 - Clevis

Clevis 플러그형 프레임워크와 암호화된 볼륨(클라이언트)이 있는 머신에 고정을 설치하려면 root 로 다음 명령을 입력합니다.
~]# yum install clevis
데이터의 암호를 해독하려면 clevis decrypt 명령을 사용하여 JWE(암호화 텍스트)를 제공합니다.
~]$ clevis decrypt < JWE > PLAINTEXT
자세한 내용은 기본 제공 CLI 도움말을 참조하십시오.
~]$ clevis
Usage: clevis COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  clevis decrypt      Decrypts using the policy defined at encryption time
  clevis encrypt http Encrypts using a REST HTTP escrow server policy
  clevis encrypt sss  Encrypts using a Shamir's Secret Sharing policy
  clevis encrypt tang Encrypts using a Tang binding server policy
  clevis encrypt tpm2 Encrypts using a TPM2.0 chip binding policy

~]$ clevis decrypt
Usage: clevis decrypt < JWE > PLAINTEXT

Decrypts using the policy defined at encryption time

~]$ clevis encrypt tang
Usage: clevis encrypt tang CONFIG < PLAINTEXT > JWE

Encrypts using a Tang binding server policy

This command uses the following configuration properties:

  url: <string>   The base URL of the Tang server (REQUIRED)

  thp: <string>   The thumbprint of a trusted signing key

  adv: <string>   A filename containing a trusted advertisement
  adv: <object>   A trusted advertisement (raw JSON)

Obtaining the thumbprint of a trusted signing key is easy. If you
have access to the Tang server's database directory, simply do:

    $ jose jwk thp -i $DBDIR/$SIG.jwk

Alternatively, if you have certainty that your network connection
is not compromised (not likely), you can download the advertisement
yourself using:

    $ curl -f $URL/adv > adv.jws