1.3. Notable technical changes

OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 introduces the following notable technical changes.

Operator SDK v0.17.2

OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 supports Operator SDK v0.17.2, which introduces the following notable technical changes:

  • The --crd-version flag was added to the new, add api, add crd, and generate crds commands so that users can opt-in to v1 CRDs. The default setting is v1beta1.

Ansible-based Operator enhancements include:

  • Support for relative Ansible roles and playbooks paths in the Ansible-based Operator Watches files.
  • Event statistics output to the Operator logs.

Helm-based Operator enhancements include:

  • Support for Prometheus metrics.
terminationGracePeriod parameter support

OpenShift Container Platform now properly supports the terminationGracePeriodSeconds parameter with the CRI-O container runtime.