第7章 User Storage SPI

You can use the User Storage SPI to write extensions to Red Hat Single Sign-On to connect to external user databases and credential stores. The built-in LDAP and ActiveDirectory support is an implementation of this SPI in action. Out of the box, Red Hat Single Sign-On uses its local database to create, update, and look up users and validate credentials. Often though, organizations have existing external proprietary user databases that they cannot migrate to Red Hat Single Sign-On’s data model. For those situations, application developers can write implementations of the User Storage SPI to bridge the external user store and the internal user object model that Red Hat Single Sign-On uses to log in users and manage them.

When the Red Hat Single Sign-On runtime needs to look up a user, such as when a user is logging in, it performs a number of steps to locate the user. It first looks to see if the user is in the user cache; if the user is found it uses that in-memory representation. Then it looks for the user within the Red Hat Single Sign-On local database. If the user is not found, it then loops through User Storage SPI provider implementations to perform the user query until one of them returns the user the runtime is looking for. The provider queries the external user store for the user and maps the external data representation of the user to Red Hat Single Sign-On’s user metamodel.

User Storage SPI provider implementations can also perform complex criteria queries, perform CRUD operations on users, validate and manage credentials, or perform bulk updates of many users at once. It depends on the capabilities of the external store.

User Storage SPI provider implementations are packaged and deployed similarly to (and often are) Java EE components. They are not enabled by default, but instead must be enabled and configured per realm under the User Federation tab in the administration console.

7.1. Provider Interfaces

When building an implementation of the User Storage SPI you have to define a provider class and a provider factory. Provider class instances are created per transaction by provider factories. Provider classes do all the heavy lifting of user lookup and other user operations. They must implement the org.keycloak.storage.UserStorageProvider interface.

package org.keycloak.storage;

public interface UserStorageProvider extends Provider {

     * Callback when a realm is removed.  Implement this if, for example, you want to do some
     * cleanup in your user storage when a realm is removed
     * @param realm
    void preRemove(RealmModel realm) {


     * Callback when a group is removed.  Allows you to do things like remove a user
     * group mapping in your external store if appropriate
     * @param realm
     * @param group
    void preRemove(RealmModel realm, GroupModel group) {


     * Callback when a role is removed.  Allows you to do things like remove a user
     * role mapping in your external store if appropriate

     * @param realm
     * @param role
    void preRemove(RealmModel realm, RoleModel role) {



You may be thinking that the UserStorageProvider interface is pretty sparse? You’ll see later in this chapter that there are other mix-in interfaces your provider class may implement to support the meat of user integration.

UserStorageProvider instances are created once per transaction. When the transaction is complete, the UserStorageProvider.close() method is invoked and the instance is then garbage collected. Instances are created by provider factories. Provider factories implement the org.keycloak.storage.UserStorageProviderFactory interface.

package org.keycloak.storage;

 * @author <a href="mailto:bill@burkecentral.com">Bill Burke</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1 $
public interface UserStorageProviderFactory<T extends UserStorageProvider> extends ComponentFactory<T, UserStorageProvider> {

     * This is the name of the provider and will be shown in the admin console as an option.
     * @return
    String getId();

     * called per Keycloak transaction.
     * @param session
     * @param model
     * @return
    T create(KeycloakSession session, ComponentModel model);

Provider factory classes must specify the concrete provider class as a template parameter when implementing the UserStorageProviderFactory. This is a must as the runtime will introspect this class to scan for its capabilities (the other interfaces it implements). So for example, if your provider class is named FileProvider, then the factory class should look like this:

public class FileProviderFactory implements UserStorageProviderFactory<FileProvider> {

    public String getId() { return "file-provider"; }

    public FileProvider create(KeycloakSession session, ComponentModel model) {

The getId() method returns the name of the User Storage provider. This id will be displayed in the admin console’s User Federation page when you want to enable the provider for a specific realm.

The create() method is responsible for allocating an instance of the provider class. It takes a org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession parameter. This object can be used to look up other information and metadata as well as provide access to various other components within the runtime. The ComponentModel parameter represents how the provider was enabled and configured within a specific realm. It contains the instance id of the enabled provider as well as any configuration you may have specified for it when you enabled through the admin console.

The UserStorageProviderFactory has other capabilities as well which we will go over later in this chapter.