7.9.2. ImportSynchronization Interface

With the import strategy you can see that it is possible for the local user copy to get out of sync with external storage. For example, maybe a user has been removed from the external store. The User Storage SPI has an additional interface you can implement to deal with this, org.keycloak.storage.user.ImportSynchronization:

package org.keycloak.storage.user;

public interface ImportSynchronization {
    SynchronizationResult sync(KeycloakSessionFactory sessionFactory, String realmId, UserStorageProviderModel model);
    SynchronizationResult syncSince(Date lastSync, KeycloakSessionFactory sessionFactory, String realmId, UserStorageProviderModel model);

This interface is implemented by the provider factory. Once this interface is implemented by the provider factory, the administration console management page for the provider shows additional options. You can manually force a synchronization by clicking a button. This invokes the ImportSynchronization.sync() method. Also, additional configuration options are displayed that allow you to automatically schedule a synchronization. Automatic synchronizations invoke the syncSince() method.