4.6. Upgrading the MongoDB Storage Engine

When you complete the upgrade, you can optionally upgrade the MongoDB storage engine to WiredTiger. Note that if you already use WiredTiger, you do not have to perform this procedure after you upgrade. If you want to use WiredTiger, you must repeat the following procedure on Satellite Server and all Capsule Servers. For more information about the WiredTiger storage engine, see WiredTiger Storage Engine in the MongoDB Manual.


Before upgrading the storage engine, ensure that the following conditions exist:

  • Create a backup of the MongoDB storage.
  • Ensure that the /var/tmp directory has storage space that is at least twice the size of the /var/lib/mongodb directory.
  • Optional: On high traffic Satellite environments, use MongoDB repair to reclaim disk space. For more information, see the KCS article How to compact MongoDB files and/or reclaim disk space in "/var/lib/mongodb" in Satellite 6?.
  • Optional: On high traffic Satellite environments, use MongoDB compact to reclaim disk space. For more information, see compact in MongoDB Manual.
  • Optional: If you want to verify what version of MongoDB you currently use, enter the following command:

    # mongo pulp_database --eval "db.serverStatus().storageEngine"


To upgrade the MongoDB storage engine, enter the following command on Satellite Server and all Capsule Servers:

# satellite-installer --upgrade-mongo-storage-engine