4.7. Updating Templates, Parameters, Lookup Keys and Values

During the upgrade process, Satellite attempts to locate macros that are deprecated for Satellite 6.8 and converts old syntax to new syntax for the default {Product} templates, parameters, and lookup keys and values. However, {Product} does not convert old syntax in the custom templates that you have created and in the cloned templates.

The process uses simple text replacement, for example:

@host.params['parameter1'] -> host_param('parameter1')
@host.param_true?('parameter1') -> host_param_true?('parameter1')
@host.param_false?('parameter1') -> host_param_false?('parameter1')
@host.info['parameters'] -> host_enc['parameters']

If you use cloned templates in Satellite, verify whether the cloned templates have diverged from the latest version of the original templates in Satellite. The syntax for the same template can differ between versions of Satellite. If your cloned templates contain outdated syntax, update the syntax to match the latest version of the template.

To ensure that this text replacement does not break or omit any variables in your files during the upgrade, check all templates, parameters, and lookup keys and values for the old syntax and replace manually.

The following error occurs because of old syntax remaining in files after the upgrade:

 undefined method '#params' for Host::Managed::Jail

Fixing the outdated subscription_manager_registration snippet

Satellite 6.4 onwards uses the redhat_register snippet instead of the subscription_manager_registration snippet.

If you upgrade from Satellite 6.3 and earlier, ensure to replace the subscription_manager_registration snippet in your custom templates as follows:

<%= snippet "subscription_manager_registration" %>
<%= snippet 'redhat_register' %>