第16章 Provisioning Cloud Instances on Microsoft Azure Resource Manager

Red Hat Satellite can interact with Microsoft Azure Resource Manager, including creating new virtual machines and controlling their power management states. Only image-based provisioning is supported for creating Azure hosts. This includes provisioning using Marketplace images, custom images, and shared image gallery.

For more information about Azure Resource Manager concepts, see Azure Resource Manager documentation.

Note that Satellite does not support Azure Government.


  • Synchronized content repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For more information, see Synchronizing Red Hat Repositories in the Content Management Guide.
  • An activation key for host registration. For more information, see Creating An Activation Key in the Content Management guide.
  • Ensure that you have the correct permissions to create an Azure Active Directory application. For more information, see Check Azure AD permissions in the Microsoft identity platform (Azure Active Directory for developers) documentation.
  • You must create and configure an Azure Active Directory application and service principle to obtain Application or client ID, Directory or tenant ID, and Client Secret. For more information, see Use the portal to create an Azure AD application and service principal that can access resources in the Microsoft identity platform (Azure Active Directory for developers) documentation.
  • Optional: If you want to use Puppet with Azure hosts, navigate to Administer > Settings > Puppet and enable the Use UUID for certificates setting to configure Puppet to use consistent Puppet certificate IDs.
  • Based on your needs, associate a finish or user_data provisioning template with the operating system you want to use. For more information about provisioning templates, see 「Provisioning Templates」.
  • Optional: If you want the virtual machine to use a static private IP address, create a subnet in Satellite with the Network Address field matching the Azure subnet address.
  • Before creating RHEL BYOS images, you must accept the image terms either in the Azure CLI or Portal so that the image can be used to create and manage virtual machines for your subscription.

16.1. Adding a Microsoft Azure Resource Manager Connection to Satellite Server

Use this procedure to add Microsoft Azure Resource Manager as a compute resource in Satellite. Note that you must add a separate compute resource for each Azure Resource Manager region that you want to use.


  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Infrastructure > Compute Resources and click Create Compute Resource.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the compute resource.
  3. From the Provider list, select Azure Resource Manager.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the resource.
  5. In the Client ID field, enter the Application or client ID.
  6. In the Client Secret field, enter the client secret.
  7. In the Subscription ID field, enter the subscription ID.
  8. In the Tenant ID field, enter the Directory or tenant ID.
  9. Click Load Regions. This tests if your connection to Azure Resource Manager is successful and loads the regions available in your subscription.
  10. From the Azure Region list, select the Azure region to use.
  11. Click Submit.

For CLI Users

  • Use the hammer compute-resource create command to add an Azure compute resource to Satellite. Note that the value for the --region option must be in lowercase and must not contain special characters.

    # hammer compute-resource create --name azure_cr_name \
    --provider azurerm \
    --tenant tenant-id \
    --app-ident client-id \
    --secret-key client-secret \
    --sub-id subscription-id \
    --region 'region'