2.20. hammer discovery

Manipulate discovered hosts.

    hammer discovery [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ...

 SUBCOMMAND                    Subcommand
 [ARG] ...                     Subcommand arguments

 auto-provision                Auto provision a host
 delete, destroy               Delete a discovered host
 facts                         List all fact values
 info, show                    Show a discovered host
 list, index                   List all discovered hosts
 provision                     Provision a discovered host
 reboot                        Reboot a host
 refresh-facts                 Refresh the facts of a host

 -h, --help                    Print help

2.20.1. hammer discovery auto-provision

Auto provision a host

    hammer discovery auto-provision [OPTIONS]

 --all                                   Auto provision all discovered hosts
 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 -h, --help                              Print help