4.2. Locating a Subscription in the Satellite Web UI

When you import a Subscription Manifest into Satellite Server, the subscriptions from your manifest are listed in the Subscriptions window. If you have a high volume of subscriptions, you can filter the results to find a specific subscription.


You must have a Subscription Manifest file imported to Satellite Server. For more information, see 「Importing a Subscription Manifest into Satellite Server」.


To locate a subscription, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Satellite web UI, ensure the context is set to the organization you want to use.
  2. Navigate to Content > Subscriptions.
  3. In the Subscriptions window, click the Search field to view the list of search criteria for building your search query.
  4. Select search criteria to display further options.
  5. When you have built your search query, click the search icon.

For example, if you place your cursor in the Search field and select expires, then press the space bar, another list appears with the options of placing a >, <, or = character. If you select > and press the space bar, another list of automatic options appears. You can also enter your own criteria.