第14章 Managing ISO Images

You can use Red Hat Satellite 6 to store ISO images, either from Red Hat’s Content Delivery Network or other sources. You can also upload other files, such as virtual machine images, and publish them in repositories.

14.1. Importing ISO Images from Red Hat

The Red Hat Content Delivery Network provides ISO images for certain products. The procedure for importing this content is similar to the procedure for enabling repositories for RPM content.


To import Red Hat ISO images, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Content > Red Hat Repositories.
  2. In the Search field, enter an image name, for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (ISOs).
  3. In the Available Repositories window, expand Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (ISOs).
  4. For the x86_64 7.2 entry, click the Enable icon to enable the repositories for the image.
  5. Navigate to Content > Products and click Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server.
  6. Click the Repositories tab of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server window, and click Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server ISOs x86_64 7.2.
  7. In the upper right of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server ISOs x86_64 7.2 window, click Select Action and select Sync Now.

To view the Synchronization Status

  • In the web UI, navigate to Content > Sync Status and expand Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server.

For CLI Users

  1. Locate the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server product for file repositories:

    # hammer repository-set list \
    --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \
    --organization "My_Organization" | grep "file"
  2. Enable the file repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 Server ISO:

    # hammer repository-set enable \
    --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \
    --name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (ISOs)" \
    --releasever 7.2 \
    --basearch x86_64 \
    --organization "My_Organization"
  3. Locate and synchronize the repository in the product:

    # hammer repository list \
    --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \
    --organization "My_Organization"
    # hammer repository synchronize \
    --name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server ISOs x86_64 7.2" \
    --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \
    --organization "My_Organization"