11.4. Creating a Content View Filter for Errata

You can use content filters to limit errata. Such filters include:

  • ID - Select specific erratum to allow into your resulting repositories.
  • Date Range - Define a date range and include a set of errata released during that date range.
  • Type - Select the type of errata to include such as bug fixes, enhancements, and security updates.

Create a content filter to exclude errata after a certain date. This ensures your production systems in the application life cycle are kept up to date to a certain point. Then you can modify the filter’s start date to introduce new errata into your testing environment to test the compatibility of new packages into your application life cycle.



  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Content > Content Views and select a Content View that you want to use for applying errata.
  2. Navigate to Yum Content > Filters and click New Filter.
  3. In the Name field, enter Errata Filter.
  4. From the Content Type list, select Erratum - Date and Type.
  5. From the Inclusion Type list, select Exclude.
  6. In the Description field, enter Exclude errata items from YYYY-MM-DD.
  7. Click Save.
  8. For Errata Type, select the check boxes of errata types you want to exclude. For example, select the Enhancement and Bugfix check boxes and clear the Security check box to exclude enhancement and bugfix errata after certain date, but include all the security errata.
  9. For Date Type, select one of two check boxes:

    • Issued On for the issued date of the erratum.
    • Updated On for the date of the erratum’s last update.
  10. Select the Start Date to exclude all errata on or after the selected date.
  11. Leave the End Date field blank.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click Publish New Version to publish the resulting repository.
  14. Enter Adding errata filter in the Description field.
  15. Click Save.

    When the Content View completes publication, notice the Content column reports a reduced number of packages and errata from the initial repository. This means the filter successfully excluded the all non-security errata from the last year.

  16. Click the Versions tab.
  17. Click Promote to the right of the published version.
  18. Select the environments you want to promote the Content View version to.
  19. In the Description field, enter the description for promoting.
  20. Click Promote Version to promote this Content View version across the required environments.

For CLI Users

  1. Create a filter for the errata:

    # hammer content-view filter create --name "Filter Name" \
    --description "Exclude errata items from the YYYY-MM-DD" \
    --content-view "CV Name" --organization "Default Organization" \
    --type "erratum"
  2. Create a filter rule to exclude all errata on or after the Start Date that you want to set:

    # hammer content-view filter rule create --start-date "YYYY-MM-DD" \
    --content-view "CV Name" --content-view-filter="Filter Name" \
    --organization "Default Organization" --types=security,enhancement,bugfix
  3. Publish the Content View:

    # hammer content-view publish --name "CV Name" \
    --organization "Default Organization"
  4. Promote the Content View to the lifecycle environment so that the included errata are available to that lifecycle environment:

    # hammer content-view version promote \
    --content-view "CV Name" \
    --organization "Default Organization" \
    --to-lifecycle-environment "Lifecycle Environment Name"