5.9. Recovering a Repository

In the case of repository corruption, you can recover it by using an advanced synchronization, which has three options:

Optimized Sync
Synchronizes the repository bypassing RPMs that have no detected differences from the upstream RPMs.
Complete Sync
Synchronizes all RPMs regardless of detected changes. Use this option if specific RPMs could not be downloaded to the local repository even though they exist in the upstream repository.
Validate Content Sync

Synchronizes all RPMs and then verifies the checksum of all RPMs locally. If the checksum of an RPM differs from the upstream, it re-downloads the RPM. This option is relevant only for yum repositories. Use this option if you have one of the following errors:

  • Specific RPMs cause a 404 error while synchronizing with yum.
  • Package does not match intended download error, which means that specific RPMs are corrupted.


To synchronize a specific repository with an advanced option, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Content > Products.
  2. Select the product containing the corrupted repository.
  3. Select the name of a repository you want to synchronize.
  4. From the Select Action menu, select Advanced Sync.
  5. Select the option and click Sync.

For CLI users

  1. Obtain a list of repository IDs:

    # hammer repository list --organization "My_Organization"
  2. Synchronize a corrupted repository using the necessary option:

    • For the optimized synchronization:

      # hammer repository synchronize --incremental true --id 1
    • For the complete synchronization:

      # hammer repository synchronize --skip-metadata-check true --id 1
    • For the validate content synchronization:

      # hammer repository synchronize --validate-contents true --id 1