14.2. Importing Individual ISO Images and Files

Use this procedure to manually import ISO content and other files to Satellite Server. To import files, you can complete the following steps in the web UI or using the Hammer CLI. However, if the size of the file that you want to upload is larger than 15 MB, you must use the Hammer CLI to upload it to a repository.

  1. Create a custom product.
  2. Add a repository for files to the product.
  3. Upload a file to the repository.


To import ISO images, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Content > Products, and in the Products window, click Create Product.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the product. This name populates the Label field.
  3. In the GPG Key field, enter a GPG Key for the product.
  4. From the Sync Plan list, select a synchronization plan for the product.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description of the product.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Products window, click the new product and then click Create Repository.
  8. In the Name field, enter a name for the repository. This automatically populates the Label field.
  9. From the Type list, select file.
  10. In the Upstream URL field, enter the URL of the registry to use as a source. Add a corresponding user name and password in the Upstream Username and Upstream Password fields.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click the new repository.
  13. Navigate to the Upload File and click Browse.
  14. Select the .iso file and click Upload.

For CLI Users

  1. Create the custom product:

    # hammer product create \
    --name "My_ISOs" \
    --sync-plan "Example Plan" \
    --description "My_Product" \
    --organization "My_Organization"
  2. Create the repository:

    # hammer repository create \
    --name "My_ISOs" \
    --content-type "file" \
    --product "My_Product" \
    --organization "My_Organization"
  3. Upload the ISO file to the repository:

    # hammer repository upload-content \
    --path ~/bootdisk.iso \
    --id repo_ID \
    --organization "My_Organization"