5.8. Modifying a Smart Class Parameter Using an External File

Using external files simplifies working with JSON data. Using an editor with syntax highlighting can help you avoid and locate mistakes.

Modifying a Smart Class Parameter Using an External File

This example uses a MOTD Puppet manifest.

  1. Search for the Puppet Class by name, motd in this case.

    Example request:

    $ curl --header "Accept:application/json,version=2" \
    --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
    --request GET --user sat_user:sat_password --insecure \
    https://satellite.example.com/api/smart_class_parameters?search=puppetclass_name=motd \
    | python -m json.tool
  2. Examine the following output. Each Smart Class Parameter has an ID that is global for the same Satellite instance. The content parameter of the motd class has id=3 in this Satellite Server. Do not confuse this with the Puppet Class ID that displays before the Puppet Class name.

    Example response:

    	"avoid_duplicates": false,
    		"created_at": "2017-02-06 12:37:48 UTC", # Remove this line.
    			"default_value": "", # Add a new value here.
    			"description": "",
    		"hidden_value": "",
    		"hidden_value?": false,
    		"id": 3,
    		"merge_default": false,
    		"merge_overrides": false,
    		"override": false, # Set the override value to true.
    			"override_value_order": "fqdn\nhostgroup\nos\ndomain",
    		"override_values": [], # Remove this line.
    			"override_values_count": 0,
    		"parameter": "content",
    		"parameter_type": "string",
    		"puppetclass_id": 3,
    		"puppetclass_name": "motd",
    		"required": false,
    		"updated_at": "2017-02-07 11:56:55 UTC", # Remove this line.
    			"use_puppet_default": false,
    		"validator_rule": null,
    		"validator_type": ""
  3. Use the parameter ID 3 to get the information specific to the motd parameter and redirect the output to a file, for example, output_file.json.

    Example request:

    $ curl --header "Accept:application/json,version=2" \
    --header "Content-Type:application/json" --request GET \
    --user sat_user:sat_password --insecure \`
    https://satellite.example.com/api/smart_class_parameters/3 \
    | python -m json.tool > output_file.json
  4. Copy the file created in the previous step to a new file for editing, for example, changed_file.json:

    $ cp output_file.json changed_file.json
  5. Modify the required values in the file. In this example, change the content parameter of the motd module, which requires changing the override option from false to true:

    	"avoid_duplicates": false,
    		"created_at": "2017-02-06 12:37:48 UTC", # Remove this line.
    			"default_value": "", # Add a new value here.
    			"description": "",
    		"hidden_value": "",
    		"hidden_value?": false,
    		"id": 3,
    		"merge_default": false,
    		"merge_overrides": false,
    		"override": false, # Set the override value to true.
    			"override_value_order": "fqdn\nhostgroup\nos\ndomain",
    		"override_values": [], # Remove this line.
    			"override_values_count": 0,
    		"parameter": "content",
    		"parameter_type": "string",
    		"puppetclass_id": 3,
    		"puppetclass_name": "motd",
    		"required": false,
    		"updated_at": "2017-02-07 11:56:55 UTC", # Remove this line.
    			"use_puppet_default": false,
    		"validator_rule": null,
    		"validator_type": ""
  6. After editing the file, verify that it looks as follows and then save the changes:

    	"avoid_duplicates": false,
    		"default_value": "No Unauthorized Access Allowed",
    			"description": "",
    		"hidden_value": "",
    		"hidden_value?": false,
    		"id": 3,
    		"merge_default": false,
    		"merge_overrides": false,
    		"override": true,
    			"override_value_order": "fqdn\nhostgroup\nos\ndomain",
    		"override_values_count": 0,
    		"parameter": "content",
    		"parameter_type": "string",
    		"puppetclass_id": 3,
    		"puppetclass_name": "motd",
    		"required": false,
    		"use_puppet_default": false,
    		"validator_rule": null,
    		"validator_type": ""
  7. Apply the changes to Satellite Server:

    $ curl --header "Accept:application/json,version=2" \
    --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
    --request PUT --user sat_username:sat_password --insecure \
    --data @changed_file.json \