第10章 Renaming Satellite Server or Capsule Server

To rename Satellite Server or Capsule Server, you must use the satellite-change-hostname script.

If you rename Satellite Server, you must reregister all Satellite clients and configure each Capsule Server to point them to the new Satellite host name. If you use custom SSL certificates, you must regenerate them with the new host name. If you use virt-who, you must update the virt-who configuration files with the new host name.

If you rename Capsule Server, you must reregister all Capsule clients and update the Capsule host name in the Satellite web UI. If you use custom SSL certificates, you must regenerate them with the new host name.


The renaming process shuts down all Satellite Server services on the host being renamed. When the renaming is complete, all services are restarted.

10.1. Renaming Satellite Server

The host name of Satellite Server is used by Satellite Server components, all Capsule Servers, and hosts registered to it for communication. This procedure ensures that you update all references to the new host name.

If you use external authentication, you must reconfigure Satellite Server for external authentication after you run the satellite-change-hostname script. The satellite-change-hostname script breaks external authentication for Satellite Server. For more information about configuring external authentication, see 13章Configuring External Authentication.

If you use virt-who, you must update the virt-who configuration files with the new host name after you run the satellite-change-hostname script. For more information, see Modifying a virt-who Configuration in Configuring Virtual Machine Subscriptions in Red Hat Satellite.


  • Both the hostname and hostname -f commands must return the FQDN of Satellite Server or the satellite-change-hostname script will fail to complete. If the hostname command returns the shortname of Satellite Server instead of the FQDN, use hostnamectl set-hostname old_fqdn to set the old FQDN correctly before attempting to use the satellite-change-hostname script.
  • Perform a backup of Satellite Server before changing a host name. If the renaming process is not successful, you must restore it from a backup. For more information, see 8章Backing Up Satellite Server and Capsule Server.
  • Optional: If Satellite Server has a custom SSL certificate installed, a new certificate must be obtained for the host’s new name. For more information, see Configuring Satellite Server with a Custom SSL Certificate in Installing Satellite Server from a Connected Network.


  1. On Satellite Server, choose the appropriate method to run the satellite-change-hostname script, providing the new host name and Satellite credentials:

    • If your Satellite Server is installed with default self-signed SSL certificates, enter the following command:

      # satellite-change-hostname new-satellite \
      --username admin \
      --password password
    • If your Satellite Server is installed with custom SSL certificates:

      # satellite-change-hostname new-satellite \
      --username admin \
      --password password \
      --custom-cert "/root/ownca/test.com/test.com.crt" \
      --custom-key "/root/ownca/test.com/test.com.key"
  2. Optional: If you have created a custom SSL certificate for the new Satellite Server host name, run the Satellite installation script to install the certificate. For more information about installing a custom SSL certificate, see Deploying a Custom SSL Certificate to Satellite Server in Installing Satellite Server from a Connected Network.
  3. On all Satellite clients, enter the following commands to reinstall the bootstrap RPM, reregister clients, and refresh their subscriptions.

    You can use remote execution feature to perform this step. For more information, see Configuring and Setting up Remote Jobs in Managing Hosts.

    # yum remove -y katello-ca-consumer*
    # rpm -Uvh http://new-satellite.example.com/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm
    # subscription-manager register \
    --org="Default_Organization" \
    --environment="Library" \
    # subscription-manager refresh
  4. On all Capsule Servers, run the Satellite installation script to update references to the new host name:

    # satellite-installer \
    --foreman-proxy-content-parent-fqdn new-satellite.example.com \
    --foreman-proxy-foreman-base-url https://new-satellite.example.com \
    --foreman-proxy-trusted-hosts new-satellite.example.com \
    --puppet-server-foreman-url new-satellite.example.com
  5. On Satellite Server, list all Capsule Servers:

    # hammer capsule list
  6. On Satellite Server, synchronize content for each Capsule Server:

    # hammer capsule content synchronize \
    --id capsule_id_number